Wilkes-Barre ACF Brill 852 and other ACF and 1940 and 1941Brills at the garage. There could be a few Macs in here somewhere. Date unknown. Photographer Rick Sefarian.
Brill 809 in downtown Wilkes Barre. Date and Photographer unknown. Courtesy Tom's North American Trolleybus Pictures (Dave's Pix).
Unidentified Brill in downtown Wilkes Barre. Date and Photographer unknown. Courtesy Tom's North American Trolleybus Pictures (Dave's Pix).
ACF Brill 859 at the garage. Date and Photographer unknown. Tom's North American Trolleybus Pictures (Dave's Pix).
Mack 807 loading workers. Date and Photographer unknown. Courtesy Tom's North American Trolleybus Pictures (Dave's Pix).
1945 ACF Brill 835 resting at the garage. Date and Photographer unknown. Courtesy Tom's North American Trolleybus Pictures (Dave's Pix).
Westram 862 posing for the photographer. This is the only Westram to operate in the US. Mexico City had some Westrams and perhaps some S. American cities. Photographer unknown. Courtesy Tom's North American Trolleybus Pictures (Dave's Pix).
ACF-Brill TC-44 837 in downtown Wilkes-Barre. Photo by Bill Volkmer. Date unknown.
Unidentified Mac CR3S somewhere in W-B. Photo by Bill Volkmer. Date unknown.
Various kinds of Brills in a row at the garage in W-B. Photo by Bill Volkmer. Date unknown.
1950 ACF-Brill T-46 863 (?) somewhere in Wilkes-Barre. The last digit is very faded in the bus number. '3' seems to be the most likely digit available for the T46s. Photo by Bill Volkmer. Date unknown.
1939 Mack CR3S 806 loading workers. Photo by Bill Volkmer. Date unknown.
Mack CR3S 826 loading from lane 2, not curbside. Photo by Bill Volkmer. Date
Photos supplied by Wally Young.
A Wilkes Barre destination sign. Supplied by Wayne Thomas. 2 AP 1948.
Wilkes Barre trolley coach specs. By Wayne Thomas. Date unknown.
This page last updated 28 FE 2007