Vancouver Photos 13

British Columbia, Canada


16 AU 1948 — Operating

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NewFlyer 2101 NF E40LF Arrives in Vancouver

All photos by R. C. DeArmond, 2 JL 05

unless otherwise noted.

winnipeg One of the first photos of NewFlyer 2101 at the factory in Winnipeg. Photographer unknown. JN 05.

2101 front Front end shot of NewFlyer 2101 on the flatbed that towed it in. Photographer unknown. 2 JL 05.

2101 left Leftside shot of NewFlyer 2101. Photographer unknown. 2 JL 05.

2101 right Rightside shot of NewFlyer 2101. Photographer unknown. 2 JL 54.

2101 right Bicycle on bicycle rack on front end of 2101.

2101 poles down A close-up shot of the rear trolley catchers.

2101 arriving 2101 arriving on a flatbed truck.

2101 arriving Rear component of 2101. Ian Fisher is kneeling. The other chap I believe is Jim Johnson.

2101 sideseats Some of the sideseats of 2101. So many fans were pouring over the bus that getting good shots was difficult.

2101 twoseats One of the only pair of two-side-by-side-seats.

2101 left dash Instrument panel on the left side of steering wheel.

2101 twoseats Instrument panel on the right side of steering wheel.

2101 back door Rear door of 2101, showing off a diseasel.

2101 fans inside Fans, media, and TL people crowding the trolley. Of the fans Jim McPherson is closest to the camera.

2101 fans inside Destination sign control keypad above in driver's compartment.

ooutside rear door Outside view of rear door on 2101.

rear hub The rear axle hub.

Mpeg (movie) of 2101 zipping down one of the tracks at Oakridge. Photo by Derek Cheung. 11 JL 05.

2101 in motion Mpeg (movie) of 2101 zipping down 41st Ave. Photo by Derek Cheung. 12 JL 05.


More photos of 2101 on Martin Parson's web site.

Maps of Vancouver Trolleybus System

Vancouver Routes

Vancouver Former Routes

Vancouver Overhead Maps

TRAMS (The Transit Museum Society (local museum))


Vancouver Photos 1

Vancouver Photos 2

Vancouver Photos 3

Vancouver Photos 4

Vancouver Photos 5

Vancouver Photos 6

Vancouver Photos 7

Vancouver Photos 8

Vancouver Photos 9

Vancouver Photos 10

Vancouver Photos 11

Vancouver Photos 12

Vancouver Photos 13

Vancouver Photos 14


This page last updated 18 FE 2006