Honolulu Trolleybus Photos

Hawaii, U.S.A.

1 JA 1938 -- 22 JN 1957

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H-1 An unidentfied Brill glides past a work site. Photographer unknown. Date unknown. Courtesy of Dave's Rail Pix and Tom's North American Trolleybus Pix.

H-2 An unidentified Brill in downtown Honolulu. Photographer unknown and date unknown. Courtesy of Tom's North American Trolleybus Pix and the Scalzo collection.

H-526 Brill 526 on the Waikiki - hulu line. It appears it could be near the end of the line. Judging from the automobiles in the picture, the Brill has just a few years to go. Photographer unknown. Date unknown. Courtesy of Tom's North American Trolleybus Pix and the Scalzo collection.

H-3 Unidentified Brill. Photographer unknown. Date unknown. Courtesy of Tom's North American Trolleybus Pix and the Scalzo collection.

H-4 Brill 513. Photographer unknown. Photographer and date unknown. Courtesy of Tom's North American Trolleybus Pix and the Scalzo collection.

H-4 Brill 535 on the Kaimuki route. Photographer and date unknown. Courtesy of Tom's North American Trolleybus Pix and the Scalzo collection.

H--rapid Poster advertising the 'Honolulu Rapid Transit Co.', Ltd. OC 1952. Submitted by Wally Young.


Honolulu Video -- several shots of trolley wires and a very brief shot of a Brill.


This page last updated 18 JAN 2011.

Presov trolley photos