Course Chair: Dr. Richard C. DeArmond
CC 9208
Fax 291-5659
Lab: AQ 3020, 291-4698
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Linguistics Home Page
Lab Home Page
Contents: Course Description | Texts | Syllabus | Model of Grammar | Structure of Course | Language Lab | Exercises | Exams | Grading | Keywords | On Line | Labs | definitions | Marks | Computer Grammar Aids | Forum
Note: those files marked with "(pdf)" are written in pdf-format, and will open only with Acrobat Reader.
Linguistics 322 covers the logical structure (the organization)
of syntax:
- The Phrase structure rules are worked in my L222 notes: Course Outline 222.
- Some relevant files are listed here:
- Phrase Structure Rules
- Logical Structure of Phrases
- Basic Verb Classes
- Complements
- C-command
- Government
- Adjunction
- Conjunction
- Projection of X
- Modifiers and Complements
- Determiners
- Parts of Speech
- Bottom Up Rules
- Notes on Syntax by Andrew Carnie
- Notes on Chapter 1
- Notes on Chapter 2
- Notes on Chapter 3
- Notes on Chapter 4
- Notes on Chapter 5
- Notes on Chapter 6
- Notes on Chapter 7
- Axioms of Grammar (pdf)
- definitions (pdf)
- eventualities (pdf)
- grammar, presyntax, and lexical entries (pdf)
- flowcharts
- agreement (pdf)
- argument structure (pdf)
- argument structure of noun agreement (1) (pdf)
- feature linking (pdf)
- feature copying (pdf)
- Verb Operator and Inflection (pdf)
- verbal operators: tense, relevance, apsect, and voice (pdf)
- subject, head of PromP (pdf)
- Pro-forms (pdf)
- Principles (pdf)
- active voice and raising (pdf)
- passive voice and raising (pdf)
- dummy verbs and preposition (pdf)
- subject, targeting, agreement (pdf)
- theta roles (pdf
- negation operator (pdf)
- negation operator (old) (pdf)
- feature strong (pdf)
- mood (pdf)
- interrogative mood (pdf)
- mood
- event classes
- sense and reference
- raising
- question operator
- the feature [+Strong]
- theta roles (htm)
- theta roles continued (htm)
- barriers
- Case theory
- theta roles
- theta roles continued
- Ergative and Unaccusative Verbs
- the lexicon
- lexical insertion
- inflectional morphemes
- the feature Strong
- argument assignment
- predicate adjectives
- Prenominal Adjectives
- rules
- Implicit arguments
- internal subject hypothesis
- lexical insertion (2)
- raising from infinitives
- logical form of NP
- small clauses
- transformational processes
- some parameters of English
- X-bar theory
- complements vs modifiers
- the lexicon--continued
- preposing operator
- Negation Operator
- negation operator (HTM)
- control
- WH-operator
- echoes and disbelief
- islands
- relative clauses
- binding
- argument structure of WH-clauses
- incorporation
- rules and constraints
Required Text:
Syntax: A Generative Introduction, by Andrew Carnie. (2002). Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. ISBN 0-631-22544-7
Recommended Reading:
Transformational Grammar: A First Course, by Andrew Radford. (1988). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0 521 34750 5
Transformational Grammar, by Jamal Ouhalla. London: Edward Arnold. ISBN=0340556307. Library Catalog: PE 1106 093 1994
Introduction to Government and Binding Theory,' by Lilianne Haegeman. Oxford and Cambridge, MA: Blackwell's. (1991). ISBN=0631165630. Library Catalog: P 158.2 H34.
Syntactic Argumentation and the Structure of English,' by Scott Soames and David Perlmutter. (1979). Berkeley: University of California Press. 1979. Library Catalogue: P 291 P4
A concise introduction to syntactic theory: the government-binding approach, by Elizabeth A. Cowper. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1992. ISBN= 0226116468. Library Catalogue: P 158.2 C6 1992.
English Syntax by Roderick A. Jacobs. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (1995). ISBN 0-19-434277-8.. Library Catalogue: P 291 P4
Syntax: an Introduction
to the Principles and Parameters Framework,' by Richard C. DeArmond. This manuscript,
though out of date, is available on the WWW network. (Out of
click here to read and print this manuscript.
Using the on-line services of the web is a requirement of the course. The language lab is accessible to all linguistics students.
看Source of Exercises
List of Exercises
programmed grammar aids)
Late Exercises
Stapled Exercises
Written Exercises
Sample Exams and Answers to Given Exams:
For an informal evaluation of this WWW site and L322, click on evaluation
Contents: Course Description | Texts | Syllabus | Model of Grammar | Structure of Course | Language Lab | Exercises | Exams | Grading | Keywords | On Line | Labs | Definitions | Marks | Computer Grammar Aids | Forum