3-axle MAN 172 in downtown Solingen. Photographer and date unknown.
Unidentified rigid 3-axle MAN on route 683 departing the turntable. Photographer
and date unknown.
Unidentified rigid 3-axle
MAN on the turntable. Photographer and date unknown.
Solingen MAN 172, rigid
3-axle. Photographer and date unknown.
Articulated Solingen MAN 200. Photographer
and date unknown.
An ÜhIII trolleybus on the turn table. Photographer
and date unknown.
A test model Solingen
Berkhof articulated trolleybus with Traxis electrical controls
on test in Arnhem near the famous Airborneplein Bridge. Solingen
and Arnhem have some of these on order. Date unknown.
New Solingen Berkhof articulated trolleybus,
vehicle number not known Submitted by Mattis Schindler. Date unknown.
New Solingen Berkhof 071 articulated trolleybus.
Photo courtesy Tbus Ring. Thanks to Ashley Bruce. Date unknown.
Several trolleys lined up at Graf Wilhelm
Platz for an early Sunday morning line-up. Service is every 30
minutes early on Sundays. The trolleys in the picture on routes
681, 682, 683, and 684. Photo by John Gilmour. 20 MAY 2002.
Upper photo: preserved 1959 ÜhIII trolley 59. The trolley operates every other Sunday starting with APR 4th It operates on various routes of the system including the main railway station this year. In the background is Van Hool 257 at Hasten loop. 12 MAR 2011. Lower photo: Swiss trolley 957 at the Wupperthal terminus underneath the monorail structure. Photos by Jürgen Lehmann. Circa 2011. Courtesy of TrolleyMotion.
This page last updated 6 JUN 2011