4 SEP 1947 — 28 FEB 1966
Regina CCF- Brill 142 on the Victoria East line on 5th Ave. crossing the CN tracks near Albert St. in Regina on a cold winter's day in December 1964. Photo by Colin Hatcher, from the collection of Wally Young.
Regina CCF- Brill 130 enters the Carhouse on Albert Street, between 4th and 5th Avenue. This trolley was preserved by the City of Regin, but has since scrapped. Photo by Colin Hatcher. Submitted by Peter McLaughlin. Date unknown.
Brill 154 Brill T-48A on Route 1 Dewdney West in Regina. Photo by Colin Hatcher. NOV 1954. From the collection of Wally Young.
Preserved Brill T-48A 154 at the Museum of Sandon B.C. This is the body of the trolley only. Next to is Ex-BCHyrdro Brill 2310. Photo by Brian Kelly. 2009. From the collection of Wally Young. Sister trolley 147 resides at the Regina Transit Garage. No trolleys ever operated out of this garage. Wally Young.
Upper photo: Brill 147 and an unidentified Brill on 11th Ave. between Hamilton and Rose Sts. 147 could be on route 3 Broad North. Photographer unknown. No later than 1965. Lower photo: the same scene today. The street seems to have lost its charm. 11th Ave. was converted to one way. But more recently it was converted back to two way. Photographer unknown. From the collections of Bill Volkmer and Wally Young.
Main photo: Brill 140 at a lopp at Vctoria Ave. and Park St. Photo by Wally Broschart. 1964. From the collection of Wally Young.