Opava Photos

Czech Republic

9 MAY 1952 -- Operating


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Above pictures: Škoda TR 21 Number 83 somewhere in Opava. Number 83 appears to be a brand new trolley. Next year Opava celebrates 50 years of trolleybus service. Photo by Peter Langer; from the collection of Mattis Schindler.

O-64-72 Trolleys 64 and 72 in Opava. Opava is has put out a tender for six more lowfloor trolleys; two will have a diesel auxiliary engine. Photo by Jürgen Lehmann. 2004.

O-skoda-sol The first of the six new Škoda/Solaris ordered for Opava. Spring 2010. Photo by Dagmar Barunova.

O-302 Upper photo and lower photos: Škoda/Solaris 302 on route 209. 302 is one of the six trolleys mentioned above. Photo by Peter Langer. 12 AUG 2010.

This page last updated 27 AUG 2010