Ruse Trolleybus Photos


9 SEP 1988 — Operating

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ZIU-682 54586, and FBW 5550, ex Basel 360, and Ikarus 5550, ex-Berline 280, at Zavod Bor terminus in Ruse. Courtesy of Norman Griffiths, photographer.

R-gricers The gricers, Norm Griffiths, Alan Miurray, Peter Haseldine and Mike Russell, at the Oborishte roundabout. Photo by Lynn Haseldine (the only sane one present). Date unknown. Photo and comments courtesy of Oubeck.

R-54807 54807, ex-Winterthur 115, and an unidentified trolley at the Oborishte roundabout. These are the trolleys that the four gricers were photographing. 54807 had just spectacularly dewired. Photo by one of the gricers. Date unknown. Courtsy of Oubeck.

S-926 Neoplan 926 in Sibiu after arriving from Basel on its way to Ruse, Bulgaria. Photographer unknown. 7 AUG 2008. Courtesy Transira Foumul Comubnitatii Prientenilor Mijlocacelor deTransport din Romania. Their information on this and other Neoplans is incorrect.

R- Two second hand trolleys acquired for use in Ruse. In the upper photo is articulated NeoPlan 54054, an ex-Basel trolley. In the lower photo is S^koda 54621; it's source is not known. Photos by Alexandr Zisser. 2009.

R-738 Ex-Lausanne FBW 738 still in Lausanne. It is now (2010) operating in Ruse. Photo by Jürgen Lehmann. SEP 2008.

This page last updated 8 SEP 2010
