## name ## OrchestratorBOT ## version ## 11.2.16 ## instrumentation ## type: @structure @timbre ## platform ## Max 7 standalone application ## behaviour ## Receives structure from ParamBOT, communicates with Ableton to load tracks/synths ## messages ## sends: @request/synthtypes; - to M4L_dev_Loader: what are the synth types in Live? @synth/settype; - to M4L_dev_Loader: select this synth type @request/synths; - to M4L_dev_Loader: what are the synths in this type? @synth/setsynth; - to M4L_dev_Loader: select this synth @synth/track; - to M4L_dev_Loader: request for a MIDI track# receives: @section#; - current section# @sectionProgress; - progress (0. - 1.) through section @request/synthtypes; - from M4L_dev_Loader: types of synths in Live @request/synths; - from M4L_dev_Loader: list of synths in current type @request/trackchannel; - from M4L_dev_Loader: what MIDI channel to send on @Conductor/impatience; - from Conductor, allows presetting features in ensemble @Conductor/persistence; @Conductor/vitality; @Conductor/consistency; @Conductor/compliance; ## license ## Creative Commons Share Alike ## credits ## arne eigenfeldt (november 2016)