From Li-Jeen Broshko | Consultation period extended for SFU’s Policy on University Policies and Procedures (B 10.00)
The following message is sent on behalf of Li-Jeen Broshko, General Counsel & University Secretary.
Dear Faculty and Staff Members:
In response to the feedback that we have heard to-date about amendments to SFU’s Policy on University Policies and Procedures (B 10.00) we have extended the consultation period to May 25, 2022.
Given a high degree of interest, our office will be reaching out to student, faculty and employee groups to offer the opportunity to answer their questions about these proposed amendments.
Following community consultation, feedback will be considered in further amendments to this policy. The revised draft policy will then go to the SFU Executive Team, a Committee of Senate and the Board.
For further information regarding policy development, including the current review process for University Policies and University Procedures, please view the FAQs on the Policy Development and Revision website here:
Li-Jeen Broshko
General Counsel & University Secretary
Simon Fraser University