David Oaks
David Oaks is a leader in the international psychiatric survivors human rights movement. He directs MindFreedom International, a non-profit coalition that unites 100 grassroots groups to win human rights and alternatives for people affected by the mental health system. MindFreedom International calls for a nonviolent revolution of freedom, equality, truth and human rights in the mental health system. The group is accredited by the United Nations as a nongovernmental organization with consultative roster status. David was a scholarship student attending Harvard University in the 1970's when he experienced psychiatric institutionalization five times. He was diagnosed schizophrenic, and underwent forced psychiatric drugging and solitary confinement. He wrote his senior paper about community organizing with psychiatric survivors, and graduated with honors in 1977. David is in his 32nd year as a human rights activist. David lives with his wife in Oregon and loves camping. For more information see www.mindfreedom.org or oaks@mindfreedom.org.