Student Papers
+ Aboriginal Sports- Camille Christiansen
+ Healing from the Earth: Using Traditional Plants in First Nations Communities- Julia Lemieux
+ Maori Moko- Diana Wasylik
+ Remembering Who You Are and Where You Are From: A Sliammon Story- Louise Barnes
+ The Preservation of a Forgotten Language- Renata A. Oborne
+ Traditional First Nations Education: An Alternative Way- Sydney Vickars
+ Vancouver Coastal Health- Tzu Yang Lin
+ Australian Digeridoo- Evan Jones
+ Humour in Mimbres Figurative Painting- April Ruttle
+ The Importance of Language- Sienna MacMillan
+ Jim Thorpe- Casey LaPrise
+ First Nations and Lyme Disease- Ellen Gagnon
+ Oil and Cree- Thomas Dragon
+ Residential School- Ken Badger