Luceplan: Designing Lights

Paolo Rizatto of LucePlan was generous enough to present a lecture on lights and lighting, particularly the process behind generating ideas and the importance of lights and its ambiance and mobility in a room. We learned that when working with lights, the light source, its ambience and glow, is much more important than the shape and form of the actual lamp. The lecture takes us through the history of the light source from a candle and oil lamp to the LED lights that are now emerging. Deconstruction of the form and function of the first Luceplan light gave us a better understanding of how lights are a very personal and particular element of relationships between people in a room. Some people like brighter lights, while other may not, and 1 light source can give off different effects to different people.

We were able to play around with the many lamps and light fixtures within the show room to understand how they affect the environment and how the environment also affects the light source.

Link to LucePlan Interview Page