"Archeology is a science so that when you discover a stone or a fragment and this was kept. I don’t know if this is correct or not but this became our mentality. And
the mentality [in Italy] is that the authenticity is that fragment and you can't touch it. In Asia and in China as well, the authenticity is the copy, also, because the idea is there. And so [it] is also a very important problem for our company to communicate the real value of our objects. Because if they are able to produce this. They say what is the point of this? The problem is of course to guarantee in the market the fact that if I have invested research in material and this and this and that and then I arrive with this [new product] and [then] you copy [it], I have to be protected.
But you have to underline that maybe we are too much linked to the shape and not the concept. Why has the iPod not been copied yet [when it has been on the market for] 5 years? Because it is not only about the shape. This I think is the reason.
So I think we have to learn from the Asian experience that in terms of culture we don't want to colonize them for ours but we want to create a dialogue. In terms of authenticity, we have to offer a new vision a new answer of living and not an object that you can buy and [display]."