"In terms of design this is the same, that is they (China) invested a lot in public buildings.
Because this is the sign of a state that is innovative, so theaters, department stores, museums, stadiums, offices, and so on [are built to show] the power and the new statement of the country [who is showing the world that it has modernized]. And they were very interested in developing business with European and Italian companies in terms of technologies. So lighting companies in advance made business because in China they don't have the competence to design technological products. For example, in Germany, starting with their Lufthansa buildings, 20 years ago [the Germans] understood that the
very great business with China was to sell know-how, not just in terms of products, [but also in terms of] materials. Remember that China does not have steel at all. So they buy from Germany steel and competence -- know-how. So they set up factories [similar to] BMW and Lufthansa in terms of services. When I say exchanges, they learned how to manage a flight company.
So business in China is really possible if you have know-how and products to sell that they need."