Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Samir Gandesha
Assistant Professor
Department of Humanities
Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive
Burnaby, B.C., Canada, V5A 1S6
- Nairobi, Kenya, 1965
- Marital Status: Married; two children
- Citizenship: Canadian
Degrees and Academic Qualifications
- Ph.D., Political Science, York University. (Graduation: 1996)
- M.A., Political Science, York University. (Graduation: 1988)
- B.A., International Relations, University of British Columbia. (Graduation: 1987)
Academic Awards
- SSHRCC, Standard Research Grant, 2005-08
- President's Research Grant, SFU, Fall, 2003
- Shortlist, SSHRC Canada Research Chair, Trent University, Winter 2003
- Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship, Universität Potsdam, Sept., 2001-Dec., 2002
- SSHRC, Standard Research Grant (with Dr. Gary Genosko), 2001-04
- Writer's Reserve Grant, Ontario Arts Council, 1999
- Shortlist, Queen's University Humanities Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1999
- Writer's Reserve Grant, Ontario Arts Council, 1998
- Writer's Reserve Grant, Ontario Arts Council, 1997
- SSHRC, Post-doctoral Fellowship, Department of History, UC Berkeley, 1995-97
- Nomination, York University, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Dissertation Prize, 1995
- Ontario Graduate Scholarship, 1993
- SSHRC, Doctoral Fellowship, 1990-93
- Ontario Graduate Scholarship, 1990 (declined)
- York University Dean's Scholarship, 1988
- British Columbia Government Scholarship, 1986
Refereed Journals
- Gandesha, S. (forthcoming). Adorno and Arendt on Kant's Third Critique. In Kant Studien (de Gruyter).
- Gandesha, S. The ‘Aesthetic Dignity of Words': On Adorno's Philosophy of Language. In New German Critique, Special Issue on Adorno, No. 97
- Gandesha, S., Genokso, G., Marcellus, K. (2007). Waterloo: The Cradle of Canadian Telos. In Review of Education, Pedagogy, Cultural Studies, vol. 29 (2/3), pp.175 - 186.
- Gandesha, S. (2004). Inscription/Counter-Inscription: On Harun Farocki. In Topia: A Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies, (11, pp 141-46)
- Gandesha, S. (2004). Adorno, Arendt and the Chiasmus of Natural History. In Philosophy and Social Criticism. (30, 4, pp 445-475)
- Gandesha, S. Genosko, G. Marcellus, K. (2002) A Crucible of Critical Interdisciplinarity: The Toronto Telos Group. In Topia: A Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies. (8, pp 1-18)
- Gandesha, S. (2001). Enlightenment as Tragedy: Reflections on Adorno's Ethics. In Thesis 11. (No. 65, May, pp 109-30)
- Gandesha, S. (2000). Neo-Conservatism: A Third Way for Canada. In The European Legacy: Special Issue—Is There a Third Way? (Vol.5, No.6, pp 187-193)
- Gandesha, S. (1998). Nietzsche and the ‘Self-Mockery' of Reason. In The European Legacy. (Vol. 3, No.4, pp 98-108)
- Gandesha, S. (1992). Critical Naturalism or the Naturalization of the Social: A Dialectical Critique of Roy Bhaskar's Philosophy of Social Science. In Problèmatique. (No. 2, Fall, 22-33)
- Gandesha, S. (1991). The Theatre of the ‘Other': Adorno, Post-structuralism and the Critique of Identity. In Philosophy and Social Criticism. (Vol. 3, No.17, 243-63)
Book Chapters
- Gandesha, S. (forthcoming). The ‘Aesthetic Dignity of Words': On Adorno's Philosophy of Language. In Burke, D., et. al. (eds.) The New Adorno. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
- Gandesha, S. (2005). Ontological Insecurity and the Politics of Fear. In Netherton, A., Seager, A., Froschauer, K. Security: Canada in the Post-9/11 World. Centre for Canadian Studies: Burnaby, B.C., pp 99-124.
- Gandesha, S. (2003). Schreiben und Urteilen: Adorno and Arendt und der Chiasmus der Naturgeschichte. In Rensmann, L., Schulze-Wessel, J. (eds.) Arendt und Adorno, Dirk Auer. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag, pp 199-233.
- Gandesha, S. (2004). Leaving Home: On Adorno and Heidegger. In Huhn, T. (ed.) Cambridge Companion to Adorno. Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press
- Gandesha, S. (2004) Marcuse, Habermas and the Critique of Technology. In Abromeit, J., Cobb, M.(eds.) Herbert Marcuse: A Critical Reader. NY: Routledge, pp 188-208.
- Gandesha, S. (2002). Safe Streets. In Miller, B., Ward, M. (eds.) Crime and Ornament: The Arts and Popular Culture in the Shadow of Adolf Loos. Toronto :YYZ Press, pp 134-144.
- Gandesha, S. (2000). Punk Multiculturalism. In Kumar, A. (ed.) Poetics/Politics: Radical Aesthetics for the Classroom. New York: St. Martin's Press, pp 245-60.
- Jean Baudrillard, “Interview with Der Spiegel: This is the Fourth World War,” International Review of Baudrillard Studies, Vol. 1, No. 1 (January, 2004).
- (with Michael Palamarek) Theodor W. Adorno, “Theses on the Language of the Philosopher” The New Adorno (forthcoming).
Work in Progress
- Gandesha, S., Rensmann, L. (eds.) Understanding Political Modernity: Comparative Perspectives On Arendt and Adorno.
- Gandesha, S. (manuscript). Enigmatic Enlightenment: Tragedy, Vision and Ethics.
- Gandesha, S. (manuscript). Leaving Home: On Adorno and Heidegger.
Book and Exhibition Reviews
- Gandesha, S. “Review of Philosophy in a Time of Terror,” Political Theory Vol. 34, No.2 (April, 2006): 273-69.
- Gandesha, S. “The Nature of the Future Human: Review of Habermas's The Future of Human Nature,”Theory, Culture and Society Vol. 23, No.5 (Sept. 2006): 151-54.
- Gandesha, S. “Constructions of Mass Utopia,” European Journal of Social Theory Vol. 9, No.3 (2006): 434-440.
- Gandesha, S. “Review of Doug Moggach's The Philosophy and Politics of Bruno Bauer,” Philosophical Books Vol. XXIV, No.5 (October, 2004): 349-51.
- Gandesha, S. “Review of The Divine Comedy, January 24-April 25,” Vancouver Art Gallery, March-April, 2004. Art Papers (May/June, 2004): 60.
- Gandesha, S. “Review of Dan Graham,” Contemporary Art Gallery, Vancouver, Art Papers (Jan/Feb, 2004).
- Gandesha, S. “The Political Symbiosis of Populism,” The Semiotic Review of Books 13 (3, 2003): 1-7.
- Gandesha, S. “Review of I Sell Security” Carrion Jeffries Gallery, Art Papers (Nov/Dec, 2003): 64.
- Gandesha, S. “Review of Harun Frock's I Thought I was Seeing Convicts,” Art Gallery of Ontario, Spring, 2003 Art Papers(July/Aug, 2003): 54.
- Gandesha, S. “Review of Julian Rosefeld's Asylum,” Museum für Gegenwart, Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin, Fall, 2002, Art Papers Vol. 27. no. 2 (March/April 2003): 52.
- Gandesha, S. “Philosophizing Refuge: Review of Giorgio Agamben, Means without End: Notes on Politics,” The Semiotic Review of Books Vol. 12.2 (Winter) 2002: 5-6.
- Gandesha, S. “Review of Amitava Kumar's Passport Photos,” Politics and Culture 2 (2000).
- Gandesha, S. “Review of Asha Varadharajan, Exotic Parodies: Subjectivity in Adorno Said, Spivak (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1995)” Theory and Society: Renewal and Critique in Social Theory (Feb 1998) 27 (1): 140-46.
- Gandesha, S. “London 's Burning: Review of Strangely Familiar: Narratives of Architecture In the City,” Borderlines Magazine 43 (Fall, 1997): 45-47.
- Gandesha, S. “Wither(ing) Community?: Review of Jean-Luc Nancy, The Inoperative Community and Community at Loose Ends, Miami Theory Collective (ed.)”, Borderlines Magazine 24 (Summer, 1997): 47-50.
- Gandesha, S. “Safe European Home: Notes on and from Cesar Chavez Street, San Francisco,” Borderlines Magazine 41 (Fall, 1996): 34-38.
- Gandesha, S. “Dear Theo: Review of Fredric Jameson, Late Marxism, or, Adorno and the Persistence of the Dialectic,” Borderlines Magazine 22 (Summer, 1991): 42-43.
Popular Publications
- Gandesha, S. “The Last Man at the End of History/Der Letzte Mensch am Ende Geschichte,” Perspektiven Internationale Zeitung, Nummer 36 (Juni, 2000): 11-12.
- Gandesha, S. “Ideas to Work With: Stuart Hall,” Canadian Dimension Magazine (May/June, 2000): 22-23.
- Gandesha, S. “Who's Afraid of the Squeegee Kids?” Canadian Dimension Magazine (Jan/Feb, 2000): 19-22.
- Gandesha, S. “Spoils of Empire” (Text and Images), Borderlines Magazine, No. 48 (Winter, 1999): 10-11.
- Gandesha, S. “ New York City Man,” Borderlines Magazine No. 47 (Fall, 1998): 12-14.
- Gandesha, S. “The Dictator and the Despot,” Culture, Art, News, Vol. 1, No.5 (November, 1998): 7-8.
- Gandesha, S. “The Communist Manifesto: One Hundred and Fifty Years Later,” Culture, Art, News Vol.1, No.1 (July, 1998): 7-8.
- Gandesha, S. “Flowers in the Dustbin, or, Requiem for Punk,” Borderlines Magazine, No. 45 (Winter, 1998): 8-14.
- Gandesha, S. “Food as Metaphor: Is Diversity the ‘Spice' of Life?” Fuse Magazine, Vol. 20, No.1 (Winter, 1997): 11-15.
- Gandesha, S. “Safe European Home: Notes on and from Cesar Chavez Street, San Francisco,” Borderlines Magazine, No. 41 (Fall, 1996): 34-38.
- Gandesha, S. (2002). New York City Man. In Fogel, S., Thoman, L. (eds.) Changing Identities: Reading and Writing Ourselves. Toronto : Scholars/Women's Press
- Gandesha, S. (2001). Flowers in the Dustbin, or, Requiem for Punk. In Szuchwycz, B. (ed.) Canadian Communications: Issues in Contemporary Media and Culture. Toronto: Pearson Education Canada Inc.
- Gandesha, S. Who's Afraid of the Squeegee Kids? In Szuchwycz, B. (ed.) Canadian Communications: Issues in Contemporary Media and Culture. Toronto: Pearson Education Canada Inc.
Conference Papers
- Gandesha, S. “’Solidarity with Metaphysics at the Time of its Fall’: Adorno’s Critique of Heidegger,” Nostalgia for a Redeemed Future Conference, John Cabot University, Rome, April, 2007.
- Gandesha, S. “The Aesthetic Dignity of Words: On Adorno's Materialist Philosophy of Language,” Critical Aesthetics Conference, Cornell University , April 6th, 2006.
- Gandesha, S. “Response to Sekyi-Out,” Joanne Brown Symposium, March 25th, 2006.
- Gandesha, S. “Adorno and Arendt on Kant's Third Critique,” 10th Kant Congress, Sao Paulo Brazil, September 4-10.
- Gandesha, S. “Right-wing Populism and the Politics of Fear,” Canadian Political Science Association, Halifax, May 31, 2003.
- Gandesha, S. “Adorno, Arendt and the Chiasmus of Natural History,” Canadian Political Science Association, Halifax, June 1, 2003
- Gandesha, S. “In/Security: Right-wing Populism and the Politics of Fear.” Presented to the Inaugural Meeting of the Canadian Association of Cultural Studies, McMaster University, January 31, 2003.
- Gandesha, S. “Social Democracy, Right-wing Populism and Sovereignty.” Presented to In/Security: Canada in an International World Conference, SFU, Vancouver, November 8, 2002.
- Gandesha, S. “Recognizing the Limits of Recognition: A Critique of Multicultural Politics.” Presented to the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, Ottawa, Ontario, June, 1998.
- Gandesha, S. “Food as Metaphor: Is Diversity the ‘Spice' of Life?” Presented at Desh Pardesh: Festival of South Asian Arts, Toronto, June, 1997.
- Gandesha, S. “Tragedy as Enlightenment: Reflections on Adorno's Ethics.” Presented to the “Actuality of Adorno: A Symposium,” UC Berkeley, March, 1997.
- Gandesha, S. “Plato and the Quarrel Between Philosophy and Poetry.” Presented to “Strategies of Critique” Graduate Students' Conference, York University, Toronto, April, 1995.
- Gandesha, S. “Hegel, Nietzsche and the ‘Dialectic of Enlightenment.'” Presented to the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, Ottawa, Ontario, 1993.
- Gandesha, S. “Critical Theory, Post-structuralism and the Subject.” Presented to the “Passion, Powers, Persons” Conference, UC Berkeley, April, 1992.
- Gandesha, S. “Adorno and the Primacy of the Object.” Presented to the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for Hermeneutics and Postmodern Thought, Kingston, Ontario, 1991.
- Gandesha, S. “Burke, Hegel and the ‘Double Possibility' of Hermeneutics.” Presented to the Annual Meeting of the International Association for Philosophy and Literature, Montreal, 1991.
Invited Addresses
- “Roundtable: Hannah Arendt, Responsibility and Judgment” Canadian Philosophical Association/Canadian Society for Philosophy Joint Session, University of Saskatchewan , May, 2007.
- Gandesha, S. “Deconstruction and Critical Theory,” Symposium: Legacy of Jacques Derrida, Institute for the Humanities, SFU, October, 2005.
- Gandesha, S. “Citizenship and the Avant-garde,” Roundtable on Citizenship, SFU, 2004.
- Gandesha, S. “Strangers into Enemies: On the Logic of Populism,” Research Seminar Centre for the Study of Theory Culture and Politics, Trent University, January 9, 2003.
- Gandesha, S. “Adorno and Arendt on Writing and Judging,” Institut für Philosophie, Universität Potsdam, July 2, 2002.
- Gandesha, S. “Adorno and Arendt on Heidegger,” Philosopher's Meeting, Annual Meeting of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Berlin, June 20-21.
- Gandesha S. “Leaving Home: On Adorno and Heidegger,” Philosophy and Social Sciences Conference,” Institute for Philosophy and Social Sciences, Prague, May 10, 2002.
- Gandesha, S. “On the Ruins of Philosophy: Architecture, Deconstruction and Social Theory.” Lecture for Queen's University Humanities Post-doctoral Fellowship, April, 1999.
- Gandesha, S. “Marcuse, Technology, and Fear.” Presented to the Legacy of Herbert Marcuse Conference. UC Berkeley, November, 1998.
- Gandesha, S. “Recognizing the Limits of Recognition: A Critique of Multicultural Politics.” Presented to the Toronto Conference for the study of Political Thought, Toronto, March, 1998.
Academic Appointments
- Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities, Simon Fraser University, 2003-
- Full-time Faculty Member, School of Academic Studies, Centennial College, Toronto, September, 1999-2003.
- Part-time Faculty Member, School of Academic Studies, Centennial College, Toronto, Jan-April, 1999.
- Sessional Instructor, School of Academic Studies, Centennial College , Toronto , Aug-Dec, 1998.
- Occasional Lecturer, Department of Political Science, Atkinson College, York University, Sept, 1991-1999
- Course Co-director, Department of Political Science, Atkinson College, York University, Summer, 1992.
- Teaching Assistant, York University , Department of Political Science, 1988-1994.
- German: Fluent
- French: Reading knowledge
- Gujarati: Basic
Professional/ University Service
- Chair, J. S. Woodsworth Chair Advisory Committee, October, 2004-
- Appointments Committee, Department of Humanities, June, 2004-
- Tenure and Promotion Committee, Department of Humanities, June, 2004-
- J.S.Woodsworth Advisory Committee, Institute for the Humanities, SFU, June, 2004-
- ACTC 2005 Conference Organizing Committee
- Convenor, Joanne Brown Symposium, Bowen Island, March 23-25, 2006
- Grant Evaluator, SSHRCC, 2005-
- Manuscript Assessor, Cambridge University Press, 2005-
- Steering Committee, Institute for the Humanities, SFU, 2004-
- Co-chair, Graduate Programme Committee, October 2003-
- Faculty Associate, Institute for the Humanities, SFU, 2003-
- Associate Editor, Semiotic Review of Books, 2001-
- Manuscript Assessor, Canadian Journal of Political Science
- Co-author, Position Paper on applied Arts Degrees, Office of the Vice President Academic, Centennial College, June, 2000
- Co-convenor (with Dr. Martin Jay) “Actuality of Adorno” Symposium, UC Berkeley, Spring, 1997
- Associate Editor, Borderlines Magazine, 1990-94
- Chair, Organizing Committee, “Representing the Political” Conference, York University, Spring, 1993
Courses Taught 2003-2006
- Hum 101: Introduction to Humanities
- Hum 202: Great Texts in the Humanities (post-1500)
- Hum 320: Humanities and Philosophy: Nihilism
- Hum 350: Great Figures in the Humanities Tradition: Nietzsche
- Hum 350: Great Figures in the Humanities Tradition: Marx
- Hum 382: Selected Topics in European Studies: Germany : The Un-mastered Past?
- Hum 382: Selected Topics in European Studies: The Politics of Culture in Central Europe
- Hum 382: Selected Topics in European Studies: What is Modernism?
Guest Lectures
- Graduate Liberal Studies, SFU “Lyotard and Postmodernism,” Feb.24th, 2004.
- Graduate Liberal Studies, SFU “Nietzsche and Modernity,” November, 2005.