
After creating the decision support file, I used the MCE module to create the multi-criteria evaluation layer, which would show the most suitable place to build a new library based on the 9 criteria I selected. The 9 factors from 'libdecision.dsf' were used, as well as another layer, censusbool, as a constraint. This constraint file was derived from the EA layer by reclassifying the areas within Vancouver to 1 and the areas outside to 0. This was used because the 3 factors transit, stations, and library contain values which are not in the City of Vancouver, and are therefore not relevant to this project. The resultant map is not incredibly clear, although a few general areas with high suitability values are visible.


To make a map that would be more useful, I used RECLASS to classify the values into 6 categories using the following scheme:

0 = 0-99
1 = 100-129
2 = 130-159
3 = 160-189
4 = 190-219
5 = 220-255

The resultant map, shown below, gave 3 areas showing a value of 5. I created a legend for this map.

Best sites for nw library

At this point, I realized that something was missing from my methodology: the factor of area. All suitable areas need to be large enough to accomodate a library. Surely the large portion in the East area of the map was large enough, but what about the other two small dots?

To calculate the area of these three areas, I created a boolean image, reclassifying the areas with a value of 5 to 1, and everything else to 0. From the boolean image, I ran the GROUP module to give each cluster a unique value, and finally used the AREA module to create a table. The results were this:

Category    Square Meters

     0  609420015.1567626
     1     137369.6879545
     2       6868.4843977
     3      13736.9687954

As an example, Britannia Library, which is a medium sized branch, has an area of 9600 square feet, or 1060 square meters (see VPL website ). This means that all three areas with a value of 5 are suitable. However, area 1 (the area in the east) is substantially larger, so I would recommend this as the first choice, as it offers the most flexibility for specific site location.


This area is directly northeast of the Broadway/Commercial Skytrain station. Based on my analysis, this is a very suitable area to build a new Vancouver Public Library Branch.

commercial station
Model of new Commercial Skytrain Stations (from )

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