Data for Use in Idrisi
the Data:
Actual work on the project started with an exploratory
look for the necessary data. Fortunately being a year after the election
there were several decent election data sets available. This provided
me with a platform to begin the project. After reviewing the data
in ArcView I was able to determine what other types of data might be useful
to make this project interesting.
Finding socio-economic data was high on my list because
it is useful discerning trends or voting patterns. It was actually
quite difficult to locate socio-economic data at the county level in a
format that could be converted for use in Idrisi without taking too much
time. In the end socio-economic, voting results, voter turnout
and rejected ballot data was successfully located and converted.
Conversion (raster and vector):
All the images used for this project came in Esri
Shapefile format, and needed to be converted into Idrisi raster images.
This was accomplished by turning on the spatial analysis extension in ArcView
and converting the Shapefiles into grids. After converting the shapefiles
into grids, they were exported using export data source in the file menu,
in ASCII raster format.
Once the Shapefiles were converted to grid files
and exported in ASCII raster format, they needed to be imported into Idrisi
and converted into Idrisi raster images. This was done using Import
-> Software-Specific Formats -> ESRI Formats -> ARCRASTER, which is found
in the file menu. After converting the grid file into an Idrisi raster
a vector copy needs to be made using Raster/Vector Conversion -> POLYVEC
in the reformat menu. A vector copy needs to be made so that the
database can establish a vector link, which allows the data to mapped.
Data used to create the census and election results
databases for this project came from several sources and had to be manipulated
into a workable format. Manipulation mainly revolved around editing
the data so it that was consistent with how the raster images in Idrisi
were arranged. This meant figuring out how Idrisi was IDing the polygons
(that had been rasterized in ArcView) and arranging the data accordingly.
Arranging the data and merging data sheets was accomplished
in spreadsheets using Microsoft Excel. Data was manipulated / edited
until all useful collected raw data was sucessfully included. I did
not completely merge all information. I chose in the end to maintain
two datasets for each level of data detail (census and results).
When the datasets were completed a copy was saved in Dbase format (.dbf).
The Dbase versions were imported into the database
workshop in Idrisi using Import xBase (dbf) in the file menu. In
order to use the data for spatial analysis the database had to be linked
to a vector image (vector image corresponding to the correct level of data
- county or state). This was done with Collection Editor in the file
menu. A vector link file was created for each database to allow the
databases to establish display links, so the data could be mapped.