My name is Cynthia Lau

Currently, I am a student at Simon Fraser University, I'm majoring in geography with a minor in sociology. Outside of school I work with Air Cadets as an officer of the Canadian Forces. I have an aquarium of Sea Monkeys which are really cool brine shrimp like creatures. At the moment I only have 2 adult males and a little baby who's gender I'm not sure of yet.  I used to have more but they slowly died.  They are actually pretty incredible since they come in little packets and are freeze-dried but come to life instantly when you add water! And they only need to be fed once a week but you have to pump air into their little aquariums once a day since they need oxygen for their algae food to grow and plus they like to get pushed around, its like an amusement park ride for them!

This is me and Winnie-the-Pooh in Disneyland

My Geog 355 Project