Data Collection, Preparation and Manipulation
Data Source:

For my actual project I used the GVRD data from the SIS-Server.
The primary source for the data was the Census Data (Canada) from 1996:
- table 13ea: Income (citeria: Averae Household Income, 1995, $)
- table 14ea: Families / Socioeconomic / Occupied Private Dwellings / House Costs (criteria: Aerage Value of Dwelling $)
- table 10ea: Labour Force by Mode of Transportation (criteria: Employed using Public Transport (total),
                    Employed driving on their own - car possession (total))

Data Preparation and Manipulation:

What I did first was to figure out the meaning of the variables used to label the columns in the data tables. I found the key
to the data on the webpages of the University of British Columbia.
Some keys to the data contained over 170 different variables. So I already had to made a preliminary choice of the data
to consider.
Also not all the tables contained valuable data for my project, but they all had to be checked.
I deleted all those rows which Enumeration Areas I did not consider (found them out by visual inspection) to reduce the
data volume.

