1. Collect data
Collect data about Hawaiian Islands - select only one island that has
the most data available and many beaches distributed around its coastlines
(select Maui Island)
Determine how to represent beaches - small beaches on Maui, thus point
Search the internet for specific beach information - find beach
photos and airphotos if possible
2. Organize data
Rank beaches according to natural, artificial aspects and other values
such as quality of aquatic activities, safety, sand quality, etc...
Store and organize all information in a GIS (ArcView and IDRISI)
3. Perform spatial analysis
Include cartographic diagrams for all steps
Do a variety of analyses
network analysis combined with cost-distance analysis for time of travel
from main city to all other points along a coast
spatial interpolation of various beach attributes to characterize coaslines
multi-variable analysis for decision support demonstration
4. Present all results in
a web page format
Consider graphic design effectiveness and speed of transfer - limit
image sizes as much as possible