Data Sources on internet:
Hawaii Statewide GIS Program.
    information about our program and the Hawaii Geographic Information Coordinating Council (HIGICC)
    free spatial GIS data in ArcView shape file format and ArcInfo export format
Maui location map for beaches - links to beach descriptions and images
Maui beach images and descriptions
Maui beaches and beach rankings
all beaches in USA - links to various websites
Laboratory for Coastal ResearchUniversity of Maryland
   - evaluations of "Best Beaches" in USA, based on various parameters
all about surfing and bodyboarding - links to webpages about beaches

Imported GIS coverages:

Data downloaded from Hawaii Statewide GIS Program  ( ):
Coastlines Line USGS Digital Line Graphs, 1983 version
Reserves Polygon Bird sanctuaries, marine parks, state parks, historic parks, etc...
digitized from various sources - incomplete
Land use Polygon State Land Use District Boundaries
for the 8 main Hawaiian Islands, as of May, 2000.
digitized from State Land Use Commission 1:24,000 mylar maps
Islets Polygon Small islets surrounding coastlines of the main hawaiian islands
USGS Digital Line Graphs, 1983 version.
Elevation: 500 foot contours for selected islands Line contoured elevations from USGS Digital Elevation Models (DEMs), 1:250,000, 90 meter, 1983 version
Solar Radiation: estimated daily insolation contours Line Data digitized by OSP staff from the 1985 paper sunshine maps, produced
by the Department of Planning and Economic Development, Energy Division
Precipitation: median annual rainfall contours Line Office of Planning, State of Hawaii
Major roads Line extracted from the USGS 1983 DLGs for the main hawaiian islands, USGS Digital Line Graphs, 1983 version
Roads Line extracted from the USGS 1983 DLGs for the main hawaiian islands, USGS Digital Line Graphs, 1983 version
Trails (hiking) Line Na Ala Hele State Trails and Access System
State Department of Land and Natural Resources, DOFAW, 2000
Coastal Place Names Point 'Reference Maps of Hawaii,' University of Hawaii Press, 1989
digitized by Office of State Planning
Coastal Resources Point (board surfing, diving, fishing, ...)
Maui Resource Atlas' Harbors Division, 1981
digitized by Office of State Planning, 1989
Principal Bodysurfing Sites Point with site ratings of cultural significance and ability level required
source:  Statewide Recreation Resources Inventory:

Projection: Universal Trans Mercator, Zone 4

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