Regions of High Risk:


Throughout the analysis, there have been several zones that have repeatedly shown themselves to be of potentially high risk to a kayaker. The following are the two highest risk zones:



1) Northwest Tip of Clallum County

This region of Washington State carried the most risk of any other county. When observing wind, wave, and water state this zone is frequently identifying itself with the higher risk environmental conditions. As well, when it came to additional decision support factors, this portion of Clallum county was out of VHF radio range and is the farthest from a Coast Guard Station so therefore endures the longest response time.

View Zone of Highest Risk to Kayakers

2) Snohomish and Skagit Counties

Although this region scored very low on the Environmental Kayakers Risk Index Model, the fact that kayaking accidents in these counties is nearly triple that of any other county is cause for concern. The cause of this spatial phenomenon deserves to be given more attention. A closer look at boating traffic per county may reveal that when it comes to kayaking, humans may be more of a danger to each other than any risks from the environment.

View Zone of Second Highest Risk to Kayakers