Macro Modeler Errors

- lack of understanding

- missing critical modules?



Resample Errors

- lack of understanding

- possibly incorrect inputs?




This Multi Criteria Evaluation was unable to be performed due to errors with the input criteria data. I believe these errors were introduced when I reclassed and resampled my data. In the macro modeler I believe that my distance factors were performed correctly. However based on examples form past student`s projects, I feel that the model is missing manipulations for the census data. I feel that I needed to have ASSIGNed a geographical location or other file to the reclassed census data for it to be useful in the Decision Wizard and MCE construction.


When I resampled the reclassed Immigrants raster file with the Parks Distance raster file this was the output. For all five of my census data rasters, this was the same output. They all appear to be replicas of the factor which they were resampled to (in this case it is the distance to parks raster). This does not seem right to me and it did not work in the Decision Wizard either. However I did not expect it to work because the values do not match. Notice they range from zero to 4256.87 when the actual range was 0 - 3045.

This is how I expected the resampled image to look. I tried playing around with the data and the below image was the unclassified raster file which was resampled and cropped. This data also failed to work in the Decision Wizard.

Moving forward...

In the future when I construct another form of GIS analysis I will be sure to pre plan out the procedure. This was a difficult project to take on, and although I spent many hours working on it, time could have been saved had I taken the time to better understand how the programs work.

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