Alice B. Toklas in the Building: Explorations In and Through a Character

March 23, 25 – 27, 2009
SFU Gallery

Kathryn Ricketts is currently working with director Penelope Stella and actress Gina Stockdale on a two-person play titled Gertrude Stein and a Companion. This residency in the gallery offers a window into the creative and research process of building a dance/theatre based character, Alice B. Toklas. Kathryn is interested in the influence of public inquiry and what impact that may have on her process.

With this residency Kathryn will work 90 minutes for four days developing the character Alice B. Toklas through text, images, and movement. She will provide sketchbooks, pencils and journals and encourage a free flow of traffic both to witness and inquire into the creative process evolving and shaping.

At times in this residency the audience will watch what she is working on with the option of writing or sketching in response. At other times there will be an active dialogue between the audience and the performer. Kathryn will take suggestions from the audience and try them out then encourage feedback.
