Introduction to French Linguistics I Introduction to French Linguistics I
2005 background Christian Guilbault
Simon Fraser University

Liens pertinents

Pages intéressantes sur la phonétique générale:

Certaines de ces références ont été publiées sur Linguist (Linguistlist), automne 2000. Les autres sont de moi.

Site sur la phonétique française, incluant des exercices de transcription phonétique (excellent site!)
The distinctive vowel sounds of British and American English (click to hear the sounds)
Online phonetics course (U of Lausanne, Switzerland; translated from French)
The vocal tract
X-Ray film database for speech research (Amazing x-ray videos of people talking)
• Speech organs (great graphics; includes downloadable QuickTime movie of x-ray speech)
Vocal cords vibrating
• Epiglottis in motion/pharyngeal stopsExamining of larynx - how vocal cords can be photographed
The International Phonetic Alphabet
3-D vocal tract MRI gallery (slow loading; good graphics and sound files)
A Course in Phonetics: Vowels and Consonants (Web supplements for Peter Ladefoged's _A Course in Phonetics_ [4th ed.] text. Excellent.)
Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL) homepage (IPA Help is excellent; also IPA fonts, many tools) 


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