Revitalizing First Nations languages

Revitalizing Indigenous languages

With the support of a Partnership Grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, the First Nations Language Centre is working with First Nations organizations across B.C. to revitalize and preserve the region's rich linguistic heritage.

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With the support of a Partnership Grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, the Indigenous Languages Centre (formerly known as the First Nations Language Centre) is working with Indigenous organizations across B.C. to revitalize and preserve the region's rich linguistic heritage.

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SFU professor Marianne Ignace has long championed a collaborative approach to revitalizing First Nations languages and culture. Since 2013, she has led a partnership program with 20 Indigenous communities across B.C., Yukon and Alaska to preserve First Nations languages. Funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), the program has documented languages with Indigenous elders, developed digital storage and retrieval systems, and created language-learning apps for new speakers. 

This month, SSHRC honoured Marianne with a prestigious Partnership Award—one of five SSHRC Impact Awards—for her outstanding achievement in advancing research that impacts community. 


The Indigenous Languages Centre at Simon Fraser University coordinates the activities of community partners across BC to document, analyse and revitalize Aboriginal languages.

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The Indigenous Languages Centre is working on a variety of diverse projects to revitalize and support the learning of Indigenous languages.

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