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  • Geography master’s student receives Teaching Excellence Award for inclusive and approachable classroom practices


Geography master’s student receives Teaching Excellence Award for inclusive and approachable classroom practices

June 25, 2024

Tyler Cole is a master’s student in SFU’s Department of Geography recognized with an inaugural 2024 Faculty of Environment Teaching Assistant (TA)/Tutor Marker Teaching Excellence Award for his efforts to make learning more inclusive and fun for students in his tutorials.

For someone who thought they would pursue education before finding their fit in health geography, becoming a TA was a natural fit for Cole. His passion for the discipline is evident and he is noted as being an engaging, passionate and approachable TA who takes the time to get to know his students and ensure the classroom is a safe space for everyone.

“I would say my favorite part of the role is seeing students excited about learning. I understand that not all material appeals to all students, so if I can get them engaged and wanting to contribute, that really makes my day,” he says. “Getting to know students on a personal level is also up there. I have learned so many cool facts and anecdotes from students over the years that always make tutorials a highlight of my week.”

Upholding universal respect in the classroom and being personable with students are the two practices he holds paramount for fostering a successful learning environment where students have fun, feel safe and are engaged in course content.

He explains that respect within the classroom isn’t encouraged, but expected, and runs through clear guidelines with students on what behaviours are and are not acceptable within tutorials — something students have noted as being very beneficial. He is also a believer that making an effort to get to know students is essential and ensures they don’t feel like just another number in the gradebook. 

“I believe that every student feeling comfortable within the classroom is quintessential for successful learning as they may feel more inclined to feel like they can share their ideas and participate without judgement,” he says “Being approachable is very important to me as I understand, especially for students first coming into university, that tutorials may feel like intimidating spaces.”
