Go head-to-head with your peers in the FAS Step Challenge!

In this step challenge, participants can compete with themselves by trying to hit personal or pre-established step goals, compete against other individuals, and/or create teams to compete against other teams within FAS. The main aim of this challenge is to promote healthy movement and make it fun! 

Download Pacer App

Event details

Event time: Sept 16, 2024 - Oct 16, 2024.

Event location: Anywhere!

Event winners: The top 3 'individuals', the top 'team', and two MVP's will win prizes for their participation and step achievements! Winners will be determined Oct 17th and awards ceremony will occur Oct 18th.

How to get started

1 Download onboarding instructions
2 Download the pacer app  
3 Search Org Code: yn104746 to join
4 Answer supplemental questions to set-up
5 Decide to complete solo or in team
6 Start walking!  

Creating a Team

If you and your friends want to join the challenge as a team, here are the instructions you need to follow:

  • You will be given the option to create a team when you first join the FAS Step challenge
  • You can have a maximum of 4 people per team
  • Once a participant creates a team, he/she will become the team's captain and can help manage the team. For example, team captains can edit the team name or avatar, disband the team, etc., before the challenge starts. 
  • To create teams, participants must have the most recent version of Pacer (iOS: 8.7.2, Android p10.6.1)
  • Teams are ranked by total steps taken by all team members
  • There will be a team leaderboard for you to monitor your teams performance
  • If you have any questions or are unable to make a team for any reason, feel free to contact fashw@sfu.ca  



1st $100 Bookstore gift voucher & medal
2nd $50 Bookstore gift voucher & medal
3rd $25 Bookstore gift voucher & medal


1st $25 Amazon gift card (each) & medals
MVP (Student) FAS Swag
MVP (Staff)

Contest Rules & FAQ

General Info

  • You must be a FAS student or Staff in order to take part in the FAS Step challenge.
  • You must download the Pacer for Teams app to enrol in the challenge.
  • You do not need to give your payment information or make any purchases in order to be enroled in the challenge.
  • Any participant who joins will automatically be upgraded to Pacer Premium for free, which unlocks all individual app features (workouts, Pacer adventure challenges) and hides all in-app ads.
  • Once your Org's Enterprise subscription ends, your participants will receive another 3 days of Premium before it returns to Pacer Standard. (Note that there will be no Premium auto-billing enrollment after that. Users can purchase an additional subscription in the Apple or Google app stores).
  • An 'MVP' will be identified by contest organizers. Participants who are deemed an 'MVP' would be those who demonstrate enthusiasm and support throughout the competition period.

3rd Party Wearable/App Connectivity

  • Pacer iOS connects to Apple Health, Fitbit, and Garmin.
  • Fitbit & Garmin users must first join the Enterprise Org to be automatically upgraded to Premium before they can directly connect.
  • Pacer Android connects to Google Fit, Fitbit, Garmin, and Samsung Health.
  • Fitbit & Garmin users must first join the Enterprise Org to be automatically upgraded to Premium before they can directly connect.

Participant Support/Troubleshooting

  • Participants who run into activity data syncing issues can expedite the process by using the P4T Support portal in the Pacer app, which will send their phone logs to the Pacer Support Team.  

Once you are connected you do not need to monitor anything. We will monitor everything, and the scoreboard will always be up to date with the ongoing results  

Shared responsibility and online etiquette

To ensure a positive experience for everyone, please note this gentle remember to be respectful when you interact with fellow participants (in the app and in person). We understand that being in a challenge can bring out your competitive side but remember to be respectful and thoughtful even when you compete.  

  1. Be aware of strong language, all caps, and exclamation points. It is easy for written text to be misread and misunderstood. Have you ever sent a text message with good intent, but your recipient thought you were being rude? If so, then you’ve experienced this firsthand. By being cognizant of strong language, you can identify potential confusions before sending messages. Tip: Read everything out loud before you send it. 

  1. Be careful with humor and sarcasm. Certainly, you shouldn’t avoid being funny. We love to see your personality shine through in the feed. But like mentioned in Rule #2, make sure that it is clear you are being funny and not being rude. Emoticons and smileys can be helpful when conveying humor or sarcasm so that it is read correctly.

  1. Don’t post or share (even privately) inappropriate material. 


For any questions feel free to contact FAS Student Affairs Coordinator, Amanat Sandhu at fashw@sfu.ca