TRI-Agency & Government Awards

Tri-agency & Government Awards are funded through private, provincial, or federal sources. The application process for these may differ but in most cases students use the granting agency application or application system. In some cases, SFU handles the adjudication process and in some cases SFU only handles the award payment.

This page lists External and Government awards adjudicated through Graduate Studies. There may be more opportunities available, listed on the agencies that students apply for directly.


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British Columbia Graduate Scholarships

Deadline: Varied

Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships

Deadline: Sept 5

CIHR Doctoral Awards

Deadline: Oct 1

NSERC Doctoral Scholarships

Deadline: Oct 1

SSHRC Doctoral Awards

Deadline: Oct 12

SSHRC Talent Award

Deadline: Feb 16


Deadline: Dec 1

Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement (CGS-MSFSS)

Deadline: Varied

Northern Scientific Training/Travel Program (NSTP)

Deadline: Dec 1

Government of Canada International Scholarships

Deadline: Varied

China Scholarship Council Awards

Deadline: Jan 15

Connect Canada Internships

Deadline: Oct 1

Mackenzie King Memorial Scholarships

Deadline: Feb 1

Award Information Sessions

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Vanier CGSD + Trudeau Workshop

Wednesday, July 17, 2024 | 1:00 – 2:30 PM (PT)

Meeting ID: 878 255 0629

Graduate Studies "Ask Us" Drop-In Sessions

July 22 - September 16, 2024 | Mondays  10:00 - 12:00 AM

Meeting ID: 878 255 0629