News + Events

What's happening at Graduate Studies?

3 Minute Thesis

The Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition challenges graduate students to present their thesis and its significance in just three minutes and one slide.

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President's Dream Colloquium

The President's Dream Colloquium brings leading thinkers to SFU and provides an annual forum for intensive interdisciplinary exchange amongst faculty and students.

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Your Career Compass

The Your Career Compass workshop series helps graduate students navigate their career options inside or outside of academia.

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Upcoming Events Hosted by Graduate Studies

1:1 Graduate Student Career Coaching Sessions

Book a 1:1 career coaching session to support your career exploration, job search, portfolio development, or future education plans. Amrit Mundy, Career Education Specialist, certified ICF Coach {}, and fellow PhD graduate student will support you in these sessions.

Schedule your session today on myExperience {}, SFU’s platform for career appointments, events, jobs, and volunteer opportunities. After logging in, you can find 1:1 Grad student career appointments under the Career/Appointment Calendar in the left-hand menu.

Spring/Summer: Mondays & Fridays

In-person & online

More Events for Grad Students

On Campus

  • SFU International Student Orientation 
    Part 1 Information Session (Virtual) | July 19, 8:30 am-10:30 am (PT)
    Part 2 Student & Advisor Panel Session (Virtual) | August 21, 6:00 pm-7:30 pm (PT)
    Part 3 International Student Welcome Social (In-Person) | September 4, 11:30 am-2.30 pm (PT) | Global Student Centre (AQ 2013), Burnaby Campus

Off Campus



Additional SFU Events