Canadian Risk Management (CRM)

The Canadian Risk Management (CRM) designation is a widely recognized qualification that provides risk managers a foundation of knowledge and skills needed to identify, assess, monitor and limit risks. The CRM is awarded by the Risk Management Society (RIMS).

For more details about this program and the most up-to-date information regarding the courses you need for accreditation, please contact RIMS directly.

3 required courses

Equivalent Continuing Studies Course

Risk Assessment

Risk Control

Risk Financing

Risk Financing  CRM305

The CRM designation is awarded by RIMS:

Risk Management Society, Inc.
228 Park Ave S PMB 23312
New York, NY 10003-1502 USA
Telephone: 212-286-9292

RIMS – BC Chapter/BC Risk & Insurance Management Association
Bentall Post Office
PO Box 48724
Vancouver, BC V7X 1A6