2005 CMSG Vancouver

Session 1: Unemployment

Learning from Unemployment

Francisco Gonzalez (University of Calgary)


Andre Kurmann (UQAM)

Unemployment in Developing Economies

David Cook (HKUST)


B. Ravikumar (University of Iowa)

Session 2: Marriage Trends and Gender Wage Gaps

A Quantitative Theory of the Gender Wage Gap

Luisa Fuster (University of Toronto)


Jeremy Lise (Queen's University)

The Demographic Transition and Long-Run Marriage Trends

Shannon Seitz (Queen's University)


Elizabeth Caucutt (University of Western Ontario)

Luncheon Seminar by Jeremy Greenwood (University of Rochester): Social Change

"And now, I'd like to introduce you to the man who just about failed me out of graduate school..." "...social change spawned by a remarkable technological advance in withdrawal methods relative to prevailing lemon technology... " Impressed Graduate Students... Ross Hickey, Michael Maschek, Ivan Tchinkov, Yuriy Zabolotnyuk, Lei Han (Mei Dong in background).

Session 3: Bank of Canada Session

Relative Prices, Trade, and the Great Canadian Depression

Jim MacGee (University of Western Ontario)


Beverly Lapham (Queen's University)

The Transmission of Monetary Policy in a Multisector Model

Francisco Ruge-Murcia (University of Montreal)


Gregor Smith (Queen's University)

Session 4: Bruce D. Smith Session on Monetary Theory

Efficient Monetary Allocations and the Illiquidity of Bonds

Gabrielle Camera (Purdue University)


Shouyong Shi (University of Toronto)

Price Stickiness and the Optimal Return to Money

Andres Erosa (University of Toronto)


Randall Wright (University of Pennsylvania)

Session 5: International Finance

Vehicle Currencies

Mick Devereux (UBC)


Craig Burnside (Duke University)

Time-Varying Risk, Interest Rates andExchange Rates in General Equilibrium

Pat Kehoe (FRBM and University of Minnesota)


Wai-Ming Ho (York University)

Session 6: Trade and Development

Import Protection as Export Destruction

Hiroyuki Kasahara (University of Western Ontario)


Martin Boileau (University of Colorado)

Legal Institutions, Sectoral Heterogeneity and Economic Development

Gian Luca Clementi (NYU)


Bart Taub (University of Illinois UC)

Session 7: Language and Disease

Dynamic Language Policy

Ian King (University of Otago)


Allen Head (Queen's University)

Diseases and Development

Shankha Chakraborty (University of Oregon)


Eric Fisher (Ohio State University)

Session 8: Business Cycles

Schumpeterian Restructuring

Huw-Lloyd Ellis (Queen's University)


Igor Livshits (University of Western Ontario)

A Theory of Business Cycles

Michele Boldrin (University of Minnesota)


Paul Beaudry (UBC)

Miscellaneous Shots

Front Row: Gian Luca, Rui, Patrick and Igor

Second Row: Fernando and Ian

Nice shot of a water glass (who took this?)
Wosk Centre

Front Rows: Gian Luca, Jeremy and Rui;

Back Rows: Gregor, David Love, Craig, Paul Storer and...Paul Klein (you feeling OK there, Paul?)

Back of Shannon's head...very nice.
Huw beginning to exhibit Schumpterian convulsions...
Igor's hand begins to vibrate uncontrollably ...
...climaxing in ferociously wild oscillations!!!
Luisa, Finn, Pat and David (Jim and Igor in background).
Jim pleading his case.
Randy looking a little confused...
Gian Luca showing off the Italian "hand-wave" method of communication.


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