Deadline: APRIL 15, 2001


The study of the Greek and Roman languages and cultures (Classics) has traditionally been a mainstay of western education. But things have changed. Latin is increasingly a rarity in high school education, and a familiarity with classical culture is no longer the sine qua non of an ‘educated’ person. Moreover, the fate of classics is not isolated. The liberal arts curriculum in general is increasingly marginalized in favour of technical and above all business skills. In western Canada, departments of classics have recently been forced to merge with other disciplines, such as history and religious studies. At the same time, student interest in classical mythology and history has arguably never been higher.


There is need for new considerations of the roles of classics as a discipline and its place as one of a number of interdependent humanities disciplines, such as English, History and Philosophy, as well as disciplines that may not identify themselves within humanities, such as Anthropology, Archaeology and Linguistics.


Papers are invited dealing with all aspects of classical studies that give attention, implicitly or explicitly, to how their subject matter and methods may be defined within and outside the context of the humanities disciplines. Interdisciplinary panels, which invite participation from individuals outside classics, are particularly encouraged.




Please click here and then type in, print out, sign, and mail to us the SSHRC form.


(The SSHRC form is in PDF format: Adobe Acrobat Viewer required.)


If you live in the area, please use half of this other form instead.


For further information, contact David Mirhady,


Please mail or fax the appropriate SSHRC form to:

David Mirhady

Department of Humanities
Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Drive
Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6


Fax: (604) 291-4504