Title: Osmotic Challenge Alters Nuclear Structure

Chondrocytes are the only cell type found in healthy articular cartilage and maintain the cartilage by producing its components, collagen type II and proteogylcans. The function that articular cartilage plays in the body, providing structural support in joints, causes it to experience a variety of forces. As the external forces acting on the articular cartilage change, the osmolality (amount of solute in solution) of the environment surrounding the chondrocytes also changes. This paper investigates the chondrocytes' reactions to this change in osmotic pressure of the surrounding fluids. Chondrocytes' reactions include modifying their nuclear morphology and rapid chromosome condensation. These findings suggest an interesting potential control method for cellular metabolism.

Osmotic Challenge Drives Rapid and Reversible Chromatin Condensation in Chondrocytes
Jerome Irianto et al.
Biophysical Journal February 2013:
Vol. 104 no. 4 pp. 759-769.
DOI: 10.1016/j.bpj.2013.01.006