Spring 2018 

The biophysics/soft matter seminars will be held Mondays at 1:30 pm in P8445.2 unless otherwise stated.




Jan 15

Hong Qian (Applied Math, Washington)

A Different Frontier of Theoretical Physics - Complex Systems, Emergence, and Chemistry 

Jan 22

Aidan Brown (Physics, SFU)

Using free energy to improve molecular machine performance 

Jan 29

Anne Condon (UBC Computer Science)

Towards better prediction of nucleic acid kinetics 

Feb 5

Sabrina Leslie (Physics, McGill)

How biomolecules behave in a squeeze

Mar 12

Jim DeYoreo (Pacific Northwest National Lab)

The impact of structural factors and conformational dynamics on macromolecular self-assembly

Mar 19

Dylan Cooke (Kinesiology, SFU)

Individual variation in brain organization

Apr 9

Pau Farre (Physics, SFU)

Connecting chromatin sequence to chromatin structure

Apr 16

Gautam Menon (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India)

A First-principles Approach to Large-scale Nuclear Architecture