Wednesdays in SSB 7172 at 1.30pm
- 3th October
- Speaker: Dr. Sune Jespersen (PDF) Physics SFU
- Title: "Dynamical Aspects of Small World Networks"
- Abstract
- 17th October
- Speaker: Dr. Stan Maree (PDF) Mathematics UBC
- Title: "From pattern formation to morphogenesis:
Multicellular coordination in the cellular slime mould"
- Abstract:
- 31th October
- Speaker: Professor Mohammad Mehrafarin Physics
Amirkabir Univerity Tehran, Iran
- Title:"Drying of Porous Materials: A Theoretical
- Abstract:
- 14th November
- Speaker: Dr. Svetla Taneva, Memorial University of
- Title: Interactions of Surfactant Protein A (SP-A)
with phospholipid monolayers containing Surfactant Protein B (SP-B) promote
the formation of a protein-rich phase in the films: implications for tubular
myelin formation
- Abstract:
- 5th December
- Speaker:Prof. Steve Plotkin, Physics, Physics UBC
- Title: "Models for Protein Folding"**
- Abstract