PHP icalendar | Google Calendar and PHP icalendar | MRBS Room booking Calendar | |
You don't really need to set feed2js up- you are welcome to use my installation. Just go to https://cgi.sfu.ca/~science/feed/build.php and https://cgi.sfu.ca/~science/feed/style.php (style has not been tested much). Please do tell me if you start using it. The cache refreshes once every 14 minutes (thus additions or changes you make to the RSS feed will not show up instantly).
Thanks to Steve Hannah for originally suggesting Feed2JS to me. These instructions are very basic & preliminary- questions/suggestions are welcome. You may want to look at alternative RSS feed mashups etc e.g. http://code.google.com/apis/ajaxfeeds/
In Fraser in the sec_html folder (see setup directions in MRBS Room booking Calendar), make a feed2js folder and put the files in it- you can connect to fraser via a mac by afp://home.sfu.ca. Check the Feed2JS http://feed2js.org/ for more security changes, such as stopping error warnings in feed2js_config.php and deleting magpie_debug.php magpie _simple.php.Add the line
#!/usr/local/bin/phpas the first line to all php files except two:
/feed2js_config.php /style/style_pile.phpIn build.php, feed2js.php, stylepreview.php, footnote and nosource.php, the code assumes the host server is http, while fraser cgi is https. In build.php e.g.:
$my_dir = 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);http needs to be changed to https to work. (The author is looking for people to help with code).
If you get an error with feeds using https (SFU events), Line 84 in the file /magpie/extlib/Snoopy.class.inc may need to be modified from var $curl_path = "/usr/bin/curl"; to var $curl_path = "/usr/local/bin/curl"; (Thanks to Graham Ballantyne & Derek Warren).
SSH to fraser and make these UNIX permission changes:
1: account_fraser% cd sec_html /home/account_fraser/sec_html 3: account_fraser% chmod 711 feed 4: account_fraser% cd feed /home/account_fraser/sec_html/feed 6: account_fraser% chmod 700 *.php 7: account_fraser% chmod 711 magpie 8: account_fraser% chmod 711 style 9: account_fraser% cd style /home/account_fraser/sec_html/feed/style 11: account_fraser% chmod 700 *.php 12: account_fraser% chmod 644 *.jpg 14: account_fraser% chmod 644 *.gif 15: account_fraser% chmod 644 *.css 17: account_fraser% cd .. /home/account_fraser/sec_html/feed 18: account_fraser% cd magpie /home/account_fraser/sec_html/feed/magpie 19: account_fraser% chmod 0777 cache_utf8 20: account_fraser% chmod 0777 cache 22: account_fraser% chmod 711 extlib
Assuming your events are not timed to the second, in feed2js_config.php change
$date_format = "F d, Y h:i:s a";
$date_format = "F d, Y h:i a"; or $date_format = "d F Y h:i a"; (Thanks Duncan Napier)
Currently I get the warning
Warning: No support for iconv (--with-iconv) or multi-byte strings (--enable-mbstring). No support character set munging.and
Notice: Undefined property: etag in /staff1/account_fraser/sec_html/feed/magpie/rss_fetch.inc on line 157 and/ orNotice: Undefined index: description in /staff1/account_fraser/sec_html/feed/magpie/rss_parse.inc on line 403But everything appears to work okay. Any suggestions (or security warnings) will be appreciated.