Biographical Sketch
Born and raised in Ottawa, Montreal
and the Laurentians, I was busted as a bird nerd at an early age when a
Loon's egg I had collected exploded in my room.I
got my BSc in Ecology from McGill University, after which I spent three
years working as a wandering field slave/student in some of the most beautiful
places in North America: the Manomet Bird Observatory in Massachusetts
(ospreys); the Belle W. Baruch Institute for Marine Biology and Coastal
Research in South Carolina (egrets, herons, ibis); the Bay of Fundy in
New Brunswick (shorebirds); the Point Reyes Bird Observatory in California
(everything under the sun); and the Hastings Natural History Reservation
in California (bluebirds).Next stop
was Acadia University in idyllic Nova Scotia, where I spent two years studying
the effects of a new baitworm fishery on the foraging behaviour and prey
of migrant shorebirds in the Bay of Fundy for my MSc. Then after trekking
around Central America for a few months, I headed out to the left coast
and Simon Fraser University to start my PhD.
My thesis is on the wintering ecology of Dunlin (a shorebird) in the Fraser
River Delta, and my supervisor is David Lank.While
a student, I have collaborated on some interesting projects unrelated to
my thesis, including studies of the spring migration and stopover foraging
ecology of the Western Sandpiper; of the breeding ecology of terns on Sable
Island, Nova Scotia; and of the distribution of nesting shorebirds on Somerset
Island, Nunavut. I also serve on
the technical committee for the Canadian Shorebird Conservation Plan.
Research Interests
My PhD research addresses several
topics related to the winter ecology of Dunlin (Calidris alpina pacifica),
including: the use of space by individuals in relation to prey availability
and predation risk; activity patterns in relation to sex, season, and predation
risk; winter distribution and site fidelity; habitat preferences; latitudinal
sex segregation; and their status and conservation in Canada. My Masters
thesis focussed on the effects of a baitworm fishery on migrant shorebirds
foraging in the Bay of Fundy Hemispheric Shorebird Reserve, and conservation
biology remains one of my abiding interests.
Recent Publications
Shepherd, P., D. Lank, B. Smith,
N. Warnock, G. Kaiser, and T. Williams. 2001. Sex ratios and sex determination
of Dunlin wintering at two latitudes on the Pacific coast. Condor 103:352-360.
Shepherd, P. 2001. Status and
conservation of Dunlin (Calidris alpina) in Canada. Bird Trends #8, Canadian
Wildlife Service publication.
T., P. Shepherd, and R. Elner (2000). Predation on meiofaunal and macrofaunal
invertebrates by Western Sandpipers (Calidris mauri): evidence for selection
and dual feeding modes. Marine Biology 137:983-993.
P. and J.S. Boates. 1999. Effects of a commercial baitworm harvest on Semipalmated
Sandpipers (Calidris pusilla) and their prey in the
Bay of Fundy Hemispheric Shorebird Reserve. Conservation Biology 13(2):347-356.
P.J., K. Yin, L. Ross, J. Aravi, K. Gordon, L. Bendell-Young, C. Thomas,
R. Elner, M. Sewell, and P. Shepherd. 1998. The Delta foreshore ecosystem:
past and present status of geochemistry, benthic community production and
shorebird utilization after sewage diversion. In: C. Gray and T. Tuominen
(Eds.) Health of the Fraser River Aquatic Ecosystem Vol. 1. DOE FRAP report
1998-11, pp.189-210.
P. 1997. The winter ecology of Dunlin (Calidris alpina pacifica)
in the Fraser River Delta. Fraser River Action Plan Technical Report (Environment
Canada) DOE-FRAP 1997-38.