Publications |
Gillis, E.A., D.J. Green, H.A. Middleton and C.A. Morrissey. Submitted. Life history correlates of alternative migratory strategies in American dippers. Ecology. Middleton, H.A. and D.J. Green. Submitted. Dispersal decisions influence juvenile survival in American dippers (Cinclus mexicanus). Condor. Middleton, H.A., D.J. Green and E.A. Krebs. 2007. Fledgling begging and parental responsiveness in American dippers (Cinclus mexicanus). Behaviour 144: 485-501. Middleton, H.A., C.A. Morrissey and D.J. Green. 2006. Breeding territory fidelity in a partial migrant, the American dipper Cinclus mexicanus. J. Avian Biol. 37: 169-178. Morrissey, C.A., L.I. Bendell-Young and J.E. Elliott. 2005. Assessing trace metal exposure to American Dippers in mountain streams of southwestern British Columbia, Canada. Env.Tox. Chem. 24: 178-187. Morrissey, C.A., L.I. Bendell-Young and J.E. Elliott. 2005. Identifying sources and biomagnification of persistent organic contaminants in biota from mountain streams of southwestern British Columbia, Canada. Env. Sci. Technol. 39: 8090-8098. Morrissey, C.A. 2004. American dipper, Cinclus mexicanus, preys on larval Tailed frogs, Ascaphus truei. Can. Field Nat. 118: 446-448. Morrissey, C.A. 2004. Effect of altitudinal migration within a watershed on the reproductive success of American dippers. Can. J. Zool. 82: 1-8. Morrissey, C.A., L.I. Bendell-Young and J.E. Elliott. 2004. Linking contaminant profiles to the diet and breeding location of American dippers using stable isotopes. J. Appl. Ecol. 41: 502-512. Morrissey, C.A., L.I. Bendell-Young and J.E. Elliott. 2004. Seasonal trends in population density, distribution and movement of American dippers within a watershed of southwestern British Columbia, Canada. Condor 106: 815-825. Green, D.J. and S. Quinlan. 2007. Evaluating the health of riparian habitats: water use decisions, density and breeding performance of Yellow Warblers in Revelstoke Reach, B.C. Report to: Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program, BC. Quinlan S. & Green, D.J. 2006. Evaluating the health of riparian habitats: the role of habitat structure in nest site selection and breeding success of Yellow Warblers in Revelstoke Reach, BC. Report to: Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program, BC. Middleton, H.A. 2006. Post-fledging behaviour and dispersal in American dippers. MSc, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby. |