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Dr. Bernard J. Crespi, Professor

Evolutionary Biology

Selected Publications, click HERE for a copy of my full CV.

70. Law, J. & B. Crespi (2002) The evolution of geographic parthenogensis in Timema walking-sticks. Molecular Ecology 11: 1471-1489.PH (PDF)
71. Law, J. & B. Crespi (2002) Recent and ancient parthenogenesis in Timema walking-sticks. Evolution 56: 1711-1717. (PDF)
72. Chapman, T.W., B.D. Kranz, K. Bejah, D. Morris, M.P. Scharwz, & B. Crespi (2002) The evolution of soldier reproduction in social thrips, Behavioural Ecology 13: 519-525. (PDF)
73. Morris, D.C., M. Scharwz & B.J. Crespi, (2002) Pleometrosis in phyllode-gluing thrips on Australian Acacia. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 75: 467-474. (PDF)
74. Crespi, B.J. & R. Teo (2002) Comparative phylogenetic analysis of the evolution of semelparity and life history in salmonoid fishes. Evolution 56: 1008-1020. (PDF)
75. Kranz, B.D., M. Schwarz, D. Morris & B. Crespi (2002) Life History of Kladothrips ellobus and Oncothrips rodwayi: insight into the origin and loss of soldiers in gall-inducing thrips. Ecological Entomology 27: 49-57. (PDF)
76. Nosil, P., B. Crespi & C.P. Sandoval (2002) Host-plant adaptation drives the parallel evolution of reproductive isolation. Nature 417: 440-443. (PDF)
77. Miller, D. & B. Crespi. (2003) The evolution of inquilinism, host-plant use and mitochodrial substitution rates in Tamalia gall aphids. Journal of Evoutionary Biology 16: 731-743. (PDF)
78. Crespi, D. & S. Springer (2003) Social slime molds meet their match. Science 299: 56-57. (PDF)
79. Nosil, P., B. Crespi, & C.P. Sandoval. (2003) Reproductive isolation driven by the combined effects of ecological adaptation and reinforcement. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 270: 1911: 1918. (PDF)
80. Crespi B. J. (2004) Vicious circles: positive feedback in major evolutionary and ecological transitions. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 19:627-633. (PDF)
81. Hallet, R.H., B. Crespi, & J.H. Borden (2004) Synonymy of Rhyncophorus ferrugineus (Olivier) and R. vulneratus (Panzer) (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Rhynchophorinae). Journal of Natural History 38:2863-2882. (PDF)
82. Crespi, B. J. and C. Semeniuk (2004) Parent-offspring conflict in the evolution of vertebrate reproductive mode. American Naturalist,163:635-653. (PDF)
83. Crespi, B. J., D. C. Morris and L. A. Mound (2004) Evolution of Ecological and Behavioural Diversity: Australian Acacia Thrips as Model Organisms. Australian Biological Resources Study & CSIRO Entomology: Canberra, Australia, 328 pages. (PDF of Part I)
84. Perry, S. P., T. W. Chapman, M. P. Schwarz and B. J. Crespi (2004) Proclivity and effectiveness in gall defence by soldiers in five species of gall-inducing thrips: benefits of morphological caste dimorphism in two species (Kladothrips intermedius and K. habrus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 56: 602-610. (PDF)
85. McLeish, M. J., T. W. Chapman and B. J. Crespi (2004) Inbreeding ancestors: the role of sib-mating in the social evolution of Australian gall thrips. Journal of Heredity 97:31-38. (PDF)
86. Crespi, B. & M J. Fulton (2004) Molecular systematics of Salmonidae: combined nuclear data yields a robust phylogeny. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 31:658-679. (PDF)  
87. Willis, P. M., B. J. Crespi, L. Dill, R. Baird, and B. Hanson. (2004) Natural hybridization in porpoises. Canadian Journal of Zoology 82: 828-834. (PDF)
88. Summers K, Crespi B. J. (2005) Cadherins in maternal-foetal interactions: red queen with a green beard? Proceedings Royal Society of London B 272:643-649. (PDF)
89. Crespi, B. J. (2005) Parent-offspring conflict in farmers and foragers: a comparative approach. Current Anthropology  46:40-41. (PDF)
90. Crespi, B. J. and Summers, K. (2005) Evolutionary biology of cancer. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 20: 545-552. (PDF)
91. Badcock C, Crespi B.J. (2006)  Imbalanced genomic imprinting in brain development: an evolutionary basis for the aetiology of autism. Journal of Evolutionary Biology  19:1007-1032. (now top-downloaded article in this journal) (PDF)
92. Crespi B. J.(2006)  Cooperation: close friends and common enemies. Current  Biology  16:414-415. (PDF)
93. Crespi B.J., Summers K. (2006) Positive selection in the evolution of cancer. Biological Reviews  81:407-424. (PDF)
94. Elliot M.G., Crespi B.J.,  (2006) Placental invasiveness mediates the evolution of hybrid inviability in mammals. American Naturalist 168:114-120. (PDF)
95. Crespi B. J.(2006)  The natural selection of psychosis. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29:410-411. (PDF)
96. Nosil P, Crespi B.J. (2006)  Experimental evidence that predation promotes divergence in adaptive radiation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U S A. 103:9090-9095. (PDF)
97. Nosil P, Sandoval CP, Crespi B. J. (2006)  The evolution of host preference in allopatric vs. parapatric populations of Timema cristinae walking-sticks. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 19:929-942. (PDF)
98. Nosil P, Crespi B.J. Sandoval CP, Kirkpatrick M.  (2006) Migration and the genetic covariance between habitat preference and performance. American Naturalist 167:E66-78. (PDF)
99. Nosil P, Crespi B. J. (2006) Ecological divergence promotes the evolution of cryptic reproductive isolation. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B  273:991-997. (PDF)
100. McLeish M. J., Chapman, T. W., Crespi, B J. (2006) Inbreeding ancestors: the role of sibmating in the social evolution of gall thrips. Journal of Heredity 97:31-38. (PDF)
101. Bono J and B .J. Crespi (2006) Costs and benefits of joint colony founding in Australian Acacia thrips. Insectes Sociaux 53:489-495. (PDF)
102. Parent C.E and Crespi B.J. (2006) Sequential colonization and diversification of Galapagos endemic land snail Genus Bulimulus (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora). Evolution 60:2311-28. (PDF)
103. Springer S. A. and B. J. Crespi (2007) Adaptive gamete-recognition divergence in a hybridizing Mytilus population. Evolution 61:772-83. (PDF)
104. McLeish, M. J., Crespi, B. J., Chapman, T. W., and Schwarz, M. P. (2007) Parallel diversification of Australian gall-thrips on Acacia. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 43:714-725. (PDF)
105. Nosil, P., B.J. Crespi, R. Gries, G. Gries. (2007) Natural selection and divergence in mate preference during speciation. Genetica 129:309-27. (PDF)
106. Joy, J. and Crespi, B. (2007) Adaptive radiation of gall-inducing insects on a single host plant.  Evolution 61: 784-795. (PDF)
107. Crespi, B. (2007) Comparative Evolutionary Ecology of Social and Sexual systems: Water-breathing Insects Come of Age. IN: E. Duffy and M. Thiel (Editors).  Evolutionary Ecology of Crustacea, Oxford University Press. (PDF)
108. Crespi, B. J. (2007) Sly FOXP2: Genomic conflict in the evolution of language. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 22:174-5. (PDF)
109. Crespi, B.J., K. Summers and S. Dorus (2007) Adaptive evolution of genes underlying schizophrenia. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 274:2801-2810. (PDF)
110. Thompson, G. J. , Lenz, M., Crozier, R. H., and Crespi, B. J.  (2007) Molecular-genetic analyses of dispersal and breeding behaviour in the Australian termite Coptotermes lacteus: evidence for non-random mating in a swarm-dispersal mating system.  Australian Journal of Zoology 55: 219-227. (PDF)
111. Chapman, T.W. and B.J. Crespi (2008) The Evolutionary Ecology of Eusociality in Australian Gall Thrips: a 'Model Clades' Approach. Pages 57-84, IN: Ecology of Social Evolution (editors Judith Korb and Jurgen Heinze). Princeton University Press. (PDF)
112. Sandoval, C. and B. Crespi (2008 ) Adaptive parallel evolution of dorsal stripes in Timema walking-sticks. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 94:1-5. (PDF)
113. Elliot, M. and B. Crespi (2008) Divergent brain-body allometry between mammals with invasive vs non-invasive placentation. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 21:1766-1776. (PDF)
114. Crespi, B. J. (2008) Genomic imprinting in the development and evolution of psychotic spectrum conditions. Biological Reviews 83:441-493. (PDF)
115. Crespi B. J. and C. Badcock (2008) Psychosis and autism as diametrical disorders of the social brain. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31: 284-320 (PDF)
Crespi, B. J. (2008) Social conflict resolution, life history theory, and the reconstruction of skew. IN: Reproductive Skew in Vertebrates, edited by C. Jones and R. Hager, Cambridge University Press (PDF)
117. Crespi, B. J. (2008) Language unbound: genomic conflict and psychosis in the origin of modern humans. IN: Social Communication, edited by David Hughes and Patricia D’Ettorre. (PDF)
118. Summers K, Crespi B. (2008) The androgen receptor and prostate cancer: A role for sexual selection and sexual conflict? Medical Hypotheses 70: 435-443. (PDF)
119. Summers, K. and B. Crespi (2008) Molecular evolution of the prostate cancer susceptabillity locus RNASEL: Evidence for positive selection. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 8:297-301. (PDF)
120. Bono, J. and B. Crespi (2008) Cofoundress relatedness and group productivity in colonies of social Dunatothrips (Insecta: Thysanoptera) on Australian Acacia. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 62:1489-1498. (PDF)
121. Crespi, B. J. (2008) Turner syndrome and the evolution of human sexual dimorphism. Evolutionary Applications 1:449-461. (PDF)
122. Schwander, T. and B. Crespi (2008) Twigs on the tree of life? Neutral and selective models for integrating macroevolutionary patterns with microevolutionary processes in the analysis of asexuality. Molecular Ecology 18:28-42. (PDF)
123. Schwander, T. and B. Crespi (2008) Evidence for multiple direct transitions from sexual reproduction to apomictic parthenogenesis in Timema stick insects. Evolution 63:84-103. (PDF)
124. Badcock, C. and B. Crespi (2008) Battle of the sexes may set the brain. Nature 1054-1055. (PDF)
Arbuthnott, D. and B. Crespi (2009) Courtship and mate discrimination within and between species of Timema walking-sticks. Animal Behaviour 78:53-59. (PDF)
Crespi, B. J., K. Summers and S. Dorus (2009) Genomic sister-disorders of neurodevelopment: an evolutionary approach. Evolutionary Applications 2:81-100. (PDF)
Crespi, B. J. (2009) Evolutionary genetics of affective disorders. IN: Depression: Translational Approaches to Understanding and Treating, edited by C. Pariante and R. Nesse. Oxford University Press (PDF)
Crespi, B. (2009) Gender, biology and mathematics performance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 196:E102. (PDF)
Elliot, M. and B. Crespi (2009) Phylogenetic evidence for early hemochorial placentation in Eutheria.  Placenta 30: 949-967. (PDF)
Parent, C. E. and B. Crespi (2009) Ecological opportunity in adaptive radiation of Galapagos endemic land snails. American Naturalist 174:898-905. (PDF)
Crespi, B. J., K. Summers and S. Dorus (2010) Evolutionary genomics of human intellectual disability. Evolutionary Applications 3:52-63 (PDF)
Schwander, T., S. Vuilleumier, J. Dubman and B. Crespi. (2010) Positive feedback in the transition from sexual reproduction to parthenogenesis. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 277: 1435-1442 (PDF)
Crespi, B., P. Stead and M. Elliot (2010) Comparative genomics of autism and schizophrenia.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107:1736-1741 (PDF-paper) (PDF-SupportingInfo)
Crespi, B. (2010) The origins and evolution of genetic disease risk in modern humans.   Year in Evolutionary Biology (Annals New York Academy of Sciences) 1206:80-109 (PDF)
Crespi, B. (2010) The strategies of the genes: genomic conflicts, attachment theory and development of the social brain.  Chapter in Art Petronis and Jonathon Mill (Editors). Brain, Behavior and Epigenetics (in press) (PDF)
Arbuthnott, D., M. Elliot, M. McPeek and B. Crespi (2010) Diversification of  courtship and genetalic traits in Timema walking-sticks. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23:1399-1411 (PDF).
137. Crespi, B. J. (2010) The emergence of human-evolutionary medical genomics.  Evolutionary Applications (in press) (PDF).
138. Crespi, B. J. (2010) Revisiting Bleuler: the relationship of autism with schizophrenia.  British Journal of Psychiatry 196:496.
139. Summers, K. and B. Crespi (2010) Xmrks the spot: life-history tradeoffs, sexual selection, and the evolutionary ecology of carcinogenesis.  Molecular Ecology 19:3022-3024. (PDF).
140. Springer, S. A., B. J. Crespi and W. J. Swanson (2011) Beyond the phenotypic gambit: molecular behavioral ecology and the evolution of genetic architecture.  Molecular Ecology 20:2240-2257.   PDF
141. Crespi, B. J. (2011) One hundred years of insanity: genomic, psychological and evolutionary models of autism in relation to  schizophrenia.  In: Textbook of Schizophrenia-Spectrum Disorders, edited by M. Ritsner (in press).(PDF)
Crespi, B. (2011) The evolutionary biology of child health. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B  278: 1441-1449.  PDF
Schwander, T,  Henry, L and Crespi B. (2011) Molecular evidence for ancient asexuality in Timema stick insects. Current Biology 21:1129-1134.  PDF
Frank SA and Crespi BJ. (2011) Pathology from evolutionary conflict, with a theory of X chromosome versus autosome conflict over sexually antagonistic traits PNAS 108: 10886-10893. PDF
Crespi B. (2011) Autism and cancer risk. Autism Res. 2011 4:302-10. PDF
Crespi BJ, Thiselton DL. (2011) Comparative immunogenetics of autism and schizophrenia. Genes Brain Behavior 19:689-701  PDF
Somjee, U, Ablard K, Crespi B, Schaefer PW, Gries G (2011)  Local mate competition in the solitary parasitoid wasp Ooencyrtus kuvanae. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology  65:1071-1077. PDF
Antolin MF, Jenkins KP, Bergstrom CT, Crespi BJ et al.  (2012) Evolution and medicine in undergraduate education: A prescription for all biology students. Evolution 66:1191-2006 (PDF)
Henry L, Schwander T, and Crespi BJ (2012) Deleterious mutation accumulation in asexual Timema stick insects. Molecular Biology and Evolution 29:401-408 (PDF)
Joy JB and Crespi BJ (2012) Island phytophagy: explaining the remarkable diversity of plant-feeding insects. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 279:3250-3255 (PDF)
Ryan CP and Crespi BJ (2012) Androgen receptor polyglutamine repeat number: models of selection and disease susceptibility. Evolutionary Applications 6:180-196 (PDF)
Dinsdale N and Crespi BJ (2012) The borderline empathy paradox:  evidence and conceptual models for empathic enhancements in borderline personality disorder. Journal of Personality Disorders 27:172-195 (PDF)
Crespi, B. and T. Schwander (2012) Asexual evolution: do intragenomic parasites
maintain sex? Molecular Ecology 21:3893-3895.
Crespi, B. and H. Crofts (2012) Association testing of copy number variants in schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorders. J Neurodevel Disorders 4:15. (PDF)
Crespi, B. (2013) Diametric gene-dosage effects as windows into neurogenetic architecture. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 23:143-151. (PDF)
Crespi, B. (2013) Developmental heterochrony and the evolution of autistic perception, cognition and behavior.  BMC Medicine 11:119. (PDF)
Crespi, B. amd P. Nosil (2013) Conflictual speciation: species formation via genomic
conflict. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 28:48-57. (PDF)
Crosley EJ, Elliot MG, Christians JK, Crespi BJ (2013) Placental invasion,
preeclampsia  risk and adaptive molecular evolution at the origin of the great apes:
evidence from genome-wide analyses. Placenta 34:127-132. (PDF)
 Summers, K. and B. Crespi (2013) Humans Social Evolution: The Foundational Works of Richard D. Alexander. Oxford University Press.
Stencel, A. and B. Crespi (2013) What is a genome? Molecular Ecology 22:3437-3443. (PDF)   
Leach E, P. Hurd and B. Crespi (2013) Schizotypy, cognitive performance and genetic risk for schizophrenia in a non-clinical population. Personality and Individual Differences 55:334-338. (PDF)
Dinsdale N, P. Hurd, A. Wakabayashi, M. Elliot and B. Crespi (2013) How are autism and schizotypy related? Evidence from a non-clinical population. PLoS ONE (PDF)
Schwander T, B. Crespi, G. Gries and R. Gries (2013)  Neutral and selection-driven decay of sexual traits in asexual stick insects. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 280(1764):20130823.
Schwander T, Arbuthnott D, Gries R, Gries G, Nosil P, Crespi BJ. (2013) Hydrocarbon divergence and reproductive isolation in Timema stick insects. BMC Evolutionary Biology 13:151. doi:10.1186/1471-2148-13-151. (PDF)
Konefal S, Elliot M, Crespi B. (2013) The adaptive significance of adult neurogenesis: an integrative approach. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 7:21. (PDF)
Crespi B. and E. Leach (2014) The evolutionary biology of human neurodevelopment: Evo-neuro-devo comes of age. In Evolutionary Developmental Anthropology, edited by Julia Boughner and Campbell Rolian, Wiley. (PDF)
Crespi B and K Summers (2014) Inclusive fitness theory for the evolution of religion.  Animal Behaviour 92:313-323. (PDF)                                                                                                                        
Crespi, B. (2014) The insectan apes.  Human Nature 25:6-27. (PDF)
Crespi B, Foster K, Úbeda F. (2014) First principles of Hamiltonian medicine. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B Biol Sci. 369:20130366. (PDF)
Crespi B (2014) Medical, ethical and personal dimensions of parent-offspring conflicts. Evolution, Medicine and Public Health. 2014(1):51-3. (PDF)
Crespi B. J. (2014) An evolutionary framework for psychological maladaptation.  Psychological Inquiry 25:322-324. (PDF)
Ablard. K., K. Simonetto, L. Weir. B. Crespi, P. Schaefer, G. Gries (2014) First-male sperm precedence and the post-copulatory ritual in the parasitoid wasp Oencyrtus kuvenae. Canadian Entomologist 146:548-559. 
Leach EL, Prefontaine G, Hurd PL, Crespi BJ. (2014) The imprinted gene LRRTM1 mediates schizotypy and handedness in a nonclinical population. Journal of Human Genetics 59(6):332-336 (PDF)
Soria-Carrasco V, Gompert Z, Comeault AA, Farkas TE, Parchman TL, Johnston JS, Buerkle CA, Feder JL, Bast J, Schwander T, Egan SP, Crespi BJ, Nosil P. (2014) Stick insect genomes reveal natural selection's role in parallel speciation. Science 344(6185):738-742. (PDF)
Crespi, B. J. (2015) The evolutionary etiologies of autism spectrum and psychotic-affective spectrum disorders.  In:  Evolutionary Thinking in Medicine: From Research to Policy and Practice. Edited by Alexandra Alvergne.  Oxford University Press.(PDF)
Crespi, B. J. and P. L. Hurd (2015) Cognitive-behavioral phenotypes of Williams syndrome are associated with genetic variation in the GTF2I gene, in a healthy population.  BMC Neuroscience 15:127 (PDF)
Mokkonen, M. and B. J. Crespi (2015) Genomic conflicts and sexual antagonism in human health: insights from oxytocin and testosterone. Evolutionary Applications 8:307-325 (PDF)
Crespi, B. J. (2015) Oxytocin, testosterone, and human social cognition. Biological Reviews 91:390-408 (PDF)
Crespi, B. J. (2015) Cognitive tradeoffs and the costs of resilience.  Behavioral and Brain Sciences (PDF)
Elliot, M. G. and B. J. Crespi. (2015) Genetic recapitulation of human preeclampsia risk during convergent evolution of reduced placenta invasion in eutherian mammals.Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B Biol Sci. 370(1663):20140069 (PDF)
Crespi, B. J. and P. L. Hurd (2015) Genetically based correlates of serum oxytocin and testosterone in autism and schizotypy. Personality and Individual Differences 79:39-43 (PDF)
Crespi, B. J. and M. Go (2015) Diametrical diseases reflected evolutionary-genetic trade-offs: evidence from psychiatry, neurology, rheumatology, oncology and immunology. Evolution, Medicine and Public Health 2015:216-253 (PDF)

Crespi, B. (2016) The Kin Selection of Religion.  In: Oxford Handbook of the Evolution of Religion. Edited by J. M. Liddle and T. Shackleford. (PDF)
Dinsdale, N., Mokkonen, M., Crespi, B. (2016) The 'extreme female brain'; increased cognitive empathy as a dimension of psychopathology. Evolution and Human Behaviour 37:323-336. (PDF)
Robinson, K.J., Hurd, P. Read, S., Crespi, B. (2016) The PCSK6 gene is associated with handedness, the autism spectrum, and magical ideation in a non-clinical population. Neuropsychologia 84:205-212. (PDF)
Crespi, B., Leach, E., Dinsdale, N., Hurd , P. (2016) Imagination in human social cognition, autism, and psychotic-affective conditions. Cognition 150:181-199. (PDF)
Armeanu, R., Mokkonen, M., and Crespi, B. (2016) Meta-analysis of BDNF in autism. Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology (published online 8 August 2016). (PDF)
Crespi, B. (2016) Autism as a disorder of high intelligence. Frontiers in Neuroscience, Jun 30;10:300. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2016.00300. (PDF)

Procyshyn, T., Hurd, P., Crespi, B. (2017) Association testing of vasopressin receptor 1a microsatellite polymorphisms in non-clinical autism spectrum phenotypes. Autism Research (in press).10:750-756 (PDF)
Procyshyn TL, Spence J, Read S, Watson NV, Crespi BJ. (2017) The Williams syndrome prosociality gene GTF2I mediates oxytocin reactivity and social anxiety in a healthy population. Biology Letters 13 (in press) (PDF)
Crespi BJ, Procyshyn TL. (2017) Williams syndrome deletions and duplications: Genetic windows to understanding anxiety, sociality, autism, and schizophrenia.  Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 79:14-26. (PDF)
Crespi, B., Read, S. amd P. Hurd (2017) Segregating polymorphisms of FOXP2 are associated with measures of inner speech, speech fluency and strength of handedness in a healthy population. Brain and Language (in press) (PDF)
Riesch, R., Muschick, M., Lindtke, D., Villoutreix, R., Comeault, A.A., Farkas, T.E., Lucek, K., Hellen, E., Soria-Carrasco, V., Dennis, S.R. and de Carvalho, C.F. (2017) Transitions between phases of genomic differentiation during stick-insect speciation. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 1, p.0082.