Overview of Cloning


Traditional Procedure


1.  Isolate DNA – genomic DNA prep


2.  prepare probe to identify gene (cloned gene, cDNA, oligonucleotide, etc.)


3.  Digest DNA with restriction endonucleases, prepare Southern blot

  hybridize blot with labelled probe – confirm sequence present


4.  Prepare library of cloned DNA sequences (phage vectors)

– screen with probe to identify sequence of interest


5.  Restriction map cloned DNA – find location of gene


6.  Subclone gene into plasmid vector


7.  Characterize subclone – sequencing, mutagenesis, expression


PCR (polymerase chain reaction)


If DNA sequences flanking gene known, isolate gene by amplifying it from crude DNA preps.  Can be subcloned or sequenced directly.


Advantages – fast & (usually) easy

– large amounts DNA from small samples

Disadvantages – must know partial sequence ahead of time


Using genome sequence databases


Search Genbank for sequence of interest

request clone from research group that contributed sequence