BISC 431 – Molecular Biotechnology


Instructor:  Dr. Robert W. Sharp – “Rob Sharp”


Office:         B9232




Phone:         604 291 5626


Labs:             Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 13:30-17:20, SSB 8133


Textbook:      Howe, C.  Gene Cloning and Manipulation


additional reference materials will be placed on reserve in the library




link from Biology dept. homepage – academics – Biology course outlines and Notes

– Molecular Biotechnology


lab handouts

outline lecture notes (supplement with in-class notes and text reading)


Mailing list:   course announcements

need SFU E-mail account


Lab experiments:


Plasmid and genomic DNA preps

 recombinant DNA techniques

Southern blots



sequence analysis


- may require participation outside of the scheduled lab period (open lab)


study questions will be included in lab handouts

– answers due during the next lab period

 (10% penalty per day late)


full lab report on the term’s experiments

due in final week of classes. 

format will be provided on website


lab book


up-to-date, neat, lab book

dated and written in pen

number pages

refer to individual labs with up-to-date Table of Contents




Changes to Materials and Methods


Discussion and Conclusions

Lab books will be requested at random intervals, without prior warning. 


Purpose of lab book:

readable, clear information for later publications/thesis

legal – demonstrates date that work was completed


Safety and Aseptic Technique

handouts provided on website

General Safety

Radiation and Chemicals

Aseptic technique

read before first lab


Lab organisation

read handouts, etc. ahead of time

work in groups of  ~ 3 – coordinate use of equipment between groups

equipment may be expensive/fragile – use properly


“If you don’t know, Ask!


Research project:


individual projects – select a research application

do cost-benefit analysis on 3 kits from different companies

- web pages, catalogues