Lab Report Guidelines

Full Report:

Title Page

Should contain a title, name and student # of author, names of research collaborators, and date that the report was written. Title should be brief, and tell what is contained in the report in the fewest possible words.


Abstract or Summary

State the problem, describe the experiments performed, give the most important results obtained (or refer specifically to where they are available in the results section), and state the conclusions formed. The outline should be a brief summary of the entire report, allowing the reader to get the information listed above without having to read the entire report. An outline is not an introduction, and does not have to go into details on theoretical background or techniques. (Mentioning the major techniques and organisms used in the experiment is usually sufficient to satisfy the "describe the experiments performed" section above.) If you are unsure of how to write an abstract, check out samples in a scientific journal such as Nature.

(6 sentences maximum)                                                                                             (2 marks total)



Should briefly state the purpose of the experiments (Why is the experiment being done? What information and/or products are being produced in the experiment?) and give the relationship to other work in the field. (What are the features of the organism and/or biological pathway and/or research technique that make it appropriate for this study? What background information is needed for the results of the lab to make sense?) The introduction should include information from appropriate references (including the lab handout), but should be rewritten in your own words.

(2 paragraphs maximum)                                                                                            (4 marks total)


Experimental or Materials and Methods

Should provide references for experimental protocols followed (usually the lab handout), plus descriptions of modifications made to these protocols (if protocols were modified in major ways).           (0.5 mark total)





Results are presented as combinations of text, figures, and tables or graphs. Record all data collected in your experiment in a concise and clear form. Tables or graphs are preferred for numerical data. All tables, graphs, and figures must be properly labelled with a descriptive title, units (where necessary), and explanations of symbols used in the figure. Numerical data and measurements should be reported to a correct number of significant figures for the precision of the equipment used to make the measurements, and calculated results based on this data should be reported to a correct number of significant figures. (Results do not have to be adjusted for the number of significant figures in numerical constants used in calculations; only the number of significant figures in your data is relevant.) Please provide samples of all calculations that are performed, and check your calculations and data transcription. When results are derived from the interpretation of data, a brief, logical rationale should be given for the reasons why conclusions can be drawn, and any assumptions should be listed.

(4 marks total)



The discussion should be primarily concerned with the interpretation of your experimental results and the development of hypotheses that are consistent with your data. Results can be correlated and explained with reference to existing literature on the subject, but all discussions of reference material should be directly relevant to experimental data obtained by you. If your results do not match those predicted by reference material, explain the probable causes, and how the experimental results could have been affected by these factors.                                              (5 pages maximum)                                                  (4 marks total)



References should include the lab handout and any other references used in preparation of the report. If you did not directly use the references listed in the handout, do not list them as references here.

List all literature cited in a standard format:

      Author’s surname, Given name and/or Initials. (Year Published). Title of article. Book or Journal Name,  Volume (Issue): Pages.                                                                                 (0.5 mark total)



General Notes

Please double-space all text, and proof-read as well as spell-checking. Proper scientific terminology should be used (e.g. Species names), and repeated improper usage may be subject to penalty (0.5 marks). Jargon and abbreviations should be either avoided or defined in a glossary/list of abbreviations, unless the terms are widely understood in the field – e.g. ATP.  (0.5 mark penalties may apply). Reports are due on the weeks specified in the lab schedule.   Students are expected to write individual lab reports.  Data may be analysed in collaboration, but individual reports should be written in your own words.