Expression of cloned genes in E. coli


– physiology, genetics, vector systems well known

– cheap & easy to grow

– generation time ~20 min.

– defined culture media

– large amounts grown in fermenters

problems with expression of foreign genes in E. coli:

1.  no splicing of introns/exons

– need cDNAs for eukaryotic genes

2.  foreign promoters do not work in E. coli

(unless from closely related Gram negative bacteria)

– cDNAs do not have promoters

– need promoter from E. coli gene (–35, –10 sequences)

– and bacterial ribosome binding site (Fig. 8.2)

– e.g. lac promoter – controlled by LacI repressor

lacIq overexpresses repressor

– stops expression of toxic protein

– until induced by IPTG

– not suitable for large scale (industrial) use

– IPTG is expensive

– also controlled by catabolite repression

– glucose in media

– reduces cyclic AMP (cAMP) levels in cell

– inactivates cAMP activator protein (CAP)

– cAMP-bound form

– needed for expression from lac promoter

– expression from lac promoter

– only in media without glucose

trp promoter – from tryptophan biosynthesis operon

– controlled by tryptophan in media

– induced under low tryptophan conditions

– stronger promoter than lac

– & has better ribosome binding site

tac or trc promoters (1 bp difference) (Fig. 8.4)

– have –10 sequence from lac promoter

– controlled by IPTG

– have –35 sequence from trp promoter

– no catabolite repression

– or phage promoter

– e.g λ pL promoter (Fig. 8.3)

– under control of cI repressor

– use cIts857 mutant – temperature-sensitive

– induce expression at 40°C

– problem

– high temperature activates heat shock

– proteases produced

– may degrade protein

– high temperature may denature proteins

– T7 promoter – from T7 phage

– only expressed by T7 RNA polymerase

in vitro or in vivo

– requires cloned T7 RNA polymerase gene

– to regulate expression in vivo

– regulate T7 RNA polymerase expression

– using lac, trp, or λ pL promoter

– only cloned gene expressed at high level

– regular E. coli genes

– not recognised by phage RNA polymerase

– enzyme has high processivity

– can express longer eukaryotic genes well


3.  proteases may degrade foreign proteins

– e.g. Lon protease

– degrades denatured/misfolded proteins

– including many foreign proteins

– clone in lon mutant strains

4.  proteins may form inclusion bodies

– insoluble aggregates of protein

– denatured proteins form hydrophobic interactions

advantage: – easy to purify

– lyse cells and pellet aggregates by centrifugation

problems: – must denature proteins to solubilize

– urea, detergents

– often hard to refold into active form

promoted by:

– large size of polypeptide chain

– more common if polypeptides >100 amino acids

– best expression results with smaller peptides

– e.g. insulin, human growth hormone

– large amounts of protein

– high copy number vectors, strong promoters

– high temperatures (40°C) – denature proteins

fusion proteins may solve problems 2, 3, &/or 4 at once

– from vectors with 5' ends of E. coli genes

– multiple cloning site in gene (Fig. 8.2)

– allows in-frame cloning of cDNA

E. coli promoter & ribosome binding site provided

E. coli protein N-terminal domains

may stop denaturation of protein

– e.g. lacZ fusion – pBluescript

phoA (alkaline phosphatase) fusion

– periplasmic protein – has signal sequence

– exported across cell membrane

(not outer membrane)

– fusions with secreted proteins exported to periplasm

– may aid in proper folding of protein

phoA fusions with cytoplasmic genes

– often get stuck in membrane

NoteE. coli not optimal for secretion of proteins

– no type II secretion system

– most secreted proteins end up in periplasm

– protein released from periplasm using osmotic shock

– hypotonic solution – swells cytosol

– squeezes periplasmic contents out of cell

– can also add “tags” for purification of protein

– protein sequences that bind specific ligands

– purify fusion proteins

– on resin matrix with attached ligand

– e.g. glutathione-S-transferase domain (Fig.8.6)

– binds glutathione

– polyhistidine sequence – binds Ni2+

– often must remove bacterial part of fusion protein

– to get active form

– can cleave chemically

– e.g. cyanogen bromide cleaves at Met residue

– okay if no Met in active form of gene

– e.g. insulin

– can cleave with specific protease

– e.g. tobacco etch virus protease – cleaves at:


possible problem if cut site not exposed

– may have to denature protein


5.  codon usage

– different organisms use codons with different frequencies

– depends on GC content, methylation sites

– tRNA frequencies are optimized for codon use

– so few tRNAs for rare codons in E. coli

 – e.g. CCC, AGA, AGG

– but these are common codons in mammals

– translation of cDNA in E. coli

– will stall at these codons

– problem (especially near 5' end of gene)

– also may have problem with mitochondrial genes

– different amino acids for some codons

– can change to common E. coli codons

– site directed mutagenesis

– or synthesize artificial gene

– Genentech made insulin gene out of overlapping oligos

– based on protein amino acid sequence & E. coli codons

6.  post-translational modifications

– protease cleavage, glycosylation

– e.g. insulin

– mature protein produced by cleavage of precursor

– two chains held together by disulfide bridges

– Genentech made A & B chains as separate fusion proteins

– cloned in separate strains – expressed and purified

– cleaved fusion proteins

– mixed chains & oxidized cysteines to get mature protein

other expression systems

in vitro transcription/translation

 rabbit reticulocyte lysate

– wheat germ extract

E. coli lysate

– low yield of protein

– okay for making small amounts of radiolabelled proteins

phage display

– expression of cloned DNA sequences as fusion proteins with M13 coat protein

– create libraries of M13 or phagemid vectors

– contain oligos cloned in 5' end of M13 coat protein gene

– get extra peptide sequences in N-terminus of protein – expressed on outside of phage particles

– used to find protein domains involved in interactions

– with other proteins or ligands

– e.g. find substrate-binding domains of enzymes

– or epitopes recognised by specific antibodies

– recognised because phage particles bind to target

– if coat protein contains proper amino acid sequence

– Dr. Scott (MBB) is expert in field

Bacillus subtilis – Gram positive bacteria

– efficient secretor of proteins

– can isolate protein from media

B. subtilis also secretes lots of protease

– need protease mutant strains

– need Gram positive plasmid vectors (or shuttle vectors)

baculovirus vectors – derived from arthropod virus

– produce large amounts of cloned protein

– in infected insect cell lines

– media cheaper than for mammalian cell lines

problems – glycosylation differs from mammalian cells

– protein produced during lytic infection of cell line

– continuous culture not possible

mammalian cell lines

– expensive media, problems with contamination

– but always get properly folded & glycosylated proteins