Contributors ix
Preface xi
1. The underwater visual environment 1
Ellis R. Loew and William N. McFarland
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Definition of terms 1
1.3 The photic environment 6
1.4 Underwater vision and ultraviolet light 14
1.5 Dynamic changes in underwater light - spatiotemporal properties 18
1.6 The underwater polarized light field 32
Acknowledgements 40
References 40
2. The optical system of fishes 45
Russ D. Fernald
2.1 Introduction 45
2.2 Optics 45
2.3 Accommodation 54
Acknowledgements 58
References 59
3. Optical variability of the fish lens 63
Jake G. Sivak
3.1 Introduction 63
3.2 Lens shape 66
3.3 Relative focal length (Matthiessen's ratio) 69
3.4 Spherical aberration 71
3.5 Chromatic aberration 74
3.6 Functional significance of fish lens quality 76
3.7 Concluding remarks 77
References 77
4. Visual pigments of fishes 81
James K. Bowmaker
4.1 Introduction 81
4.2 Visual pigment structure 82
4.3 Receptor types 84
4.4 Distribution of visual pigments 87
References 104
5. Retinal structure of fishes 109
Hans-Jochen Wagner
5.1 Introduction 109
5.2 Diversity of retinal structure 109
5.3 Differentiation, structure and connectivity of retinal cells 118
5.4 Cyclic changes of cell morphology in the outer retina 137
Acknowledgements 147
References 148
6. Electrophysiological characteristics of retinal neurones: synaptic interactions and functional outputs 159
Mustafa B.A. Djamgoz and Masahiro Yamada
6.1 Introduction 159
6.2 Receptive field organizations: spatial
and spectral aspects 161
6.3 Voltage-dependent conductances 172
6.4 Specific synaptic interactions 175
6.5 Efferent inputs 197
6.6 Concluding remarks 198
Acknowledgements 198
Abbreviations 198
References 199
7. Neurotransmitters and neuromodulators of the fish retina 211
Eric M. Lasater
7.1 Introduction 211
7.2 Neurotransmitters of the distal retina 212
7.3 Neurotransmitters of the proximal retina 220
7.4 Summary 231
Acknowledgements 232
Abbreviations 232
References 233
8. Tectal morphology: connections, neurones and synapses 239
Hans Meek
8.1 Introduction 239
8.2 Retinal projections 239
8.3 Tectal position and lamination 241
8.4 Tectal afferents 244
8.5 Intrinsic structural organization of the tectum 252
8.6 Tectal efferents 262
8.7 Concluding remarks 267
Abbreviations 268
References 270
9. The physiology of the teleostean optic tectum 279
Simon (D.M.) Guthrie
9.1 Introduction 279
9.2 General physiological properties 280
9.3 Tectal input pathways: the retinotectal pathway 288
9.4 The marginal fibre pathway 327
9.5 The retinal efferents (retinopetal component) 329
9.6 The tectoreticular pathway 331
9.7 Conclusion 334
Acknowledgements 335
Abbreviations 335
References 336
10. The visual pathways and central non-tectal processing 345
Nico A.M. Schellart
10.1 Introduction 345
10.2 Visual structures in the diencephalon,
including the pretectiim 346
10.3 Visual structures in the telencephalon 353
10.4 Visual structures in the ventral mesencephalon 354
Acknowledgements 368
Abbreviations 368
References 369
11. Behavioural studies of fish vision: an analysis of visual capabilities
Ron- H. Douglas and Craig W. Hawryshyn
11.1 Introduction 373
11.2 Behavioural methods 374
11.3 Visual capabilities 378
References 407
12. Development of the visual system 419
Maureen K. Powers and Pamela A. Raymond
12.1 Introduction 419
12.2 Development of the optics of the eye 420
12.3 Development of the retina 421
12.4 Development of the optic tectum 434
References 437
13. Haplochromis burtoni: a case study 443
Russ D. Fernald
13.1 Introduction 443
13.2 Visually guided behaviour 444
13.3 Social regulation of growth 448
13.4 Retinal structure 448
13.5 Retinal growth 451
13.6 Summary 460
Acknowledgements 460
References 460
14. Vision in elasmobranchs 465
Joel L. Cohen
14.1 Introduction 465
14.2 Physiological optics 465
14.3 Tapetum lucidum 470
14.4 Retinal anatomy and physiology 472
14.5 Concluding remarks 485
Acknowledgements 485
Abbreviations 486
References 486
15. Stimulus, environment and vision in fishes 491
William R.A. Muntz
15.1 Introduction 491
15.2 The underwater light environment 492
1-5.3 Visual adaptations to the environment 495
15.4 Fish as visual stimuli 499
15.5 Summary 506
References 507
Species index 513
Subject index 519
James K. Bowmaker
School of Biological Sciences, Queen Mary College, University of London.
Joel L. Cohen
Department of Anatomy, Wright State University, Ohio, USA.
Mustafa B.A. Djamgoz
Department of Pure and Applied Biology, Imperial College of Science,
Technology and Medicine, London.
Ron H. Douglas
Department of Optometry and Visual Science, City University, London.
Russ D. Fernald
Institute of Neuroscience, University of Oregon, Corvallis, Oregon, USA.
Simon (D.M.) Guthrie
Department of Physiological Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester.
Craig W. Hawryshyn
Department of Psychology, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
Eric M. Lasater
Departments of Physiology and Ophthalmology, University of Utah, Salt Lake
City, Utah, USA.
Ellis R. Loew
Department and Section of Physiology, Cornell University, Ithaco, New York,
William N. McFarland
Section of Ecology and Systematics, Cornell University, Ithaco, New York,