<%@ page info="Credits" errorPage="errorPage.jsp" %> <%@ page contentType="text/html" %> <% // admin control String stringLevel = (String)session.getValue("level"); // user level int level = 1; if ( stringLevel != null ) level = Integer.parseInt( stringLevel ); String pv_insert = (String)session.getValue("pv_insert"); // insert privilege int p_insert = 0; if ( pv_insert!=null && pv_insert.equals("1") ) p_insert = 1; String pv_delete = (String)session.getValue("pv_delete"); // delete privilege int p_delete = 0; if ( pv_delete!=null && pv_delete.equals("1") ) p_delete = 1; String pv_modify = (String)session.getValue("pv_modify"); // modify privilege int p_modify = 0; if ( pv_modify!=null && pv_modify.equals("1") ) p_modify = 1; // for testing only // out.print( "Status: level = " + level + "; p_insert = " + p_insert + "; p_delete = " + p_delete + "; p_modify = " + p_modify + "" ); %> Ethnobotany @ SFU Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology <%-- Header --%>
<%-- Left Column --%> <% if ( level == 1 ) { %> <% } else { %> <% } %>


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<%-- Footer --%>