The Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology at Simon Fraser University
        Although archaeology is NOT math, we do
use some numbers (we can call them Codes).
spinning compass
You've probably noticed by now that the site we are about
to take a virtual journey through is called DhRl 16. Kind of a
weird name for a site eh?? Well, that is not the REAL name, that is
the Borden Number of the site.  Borden Numbers tell us where a
site is in Canada by having certain letters and numbers correspond
with a certain place.  If you have the grid 'code', then you will
know where the site is.  Borden Numbers sort of work the way
that longitude and latitude numbers do. For instance, there isn't
'really' an equator line that we can see, we just say that it is there
to make things easier to map and understand.  Borden Numbers too,
don't 'really' exist but we use them as one of our codes.
Archaeologists also use codes like dates:BP Before Present

B.C.E. - Before Common Era

C.E. - Common EraBC Before Christ

A.D. Anno Domini, which means 'in the year of the Lord' in   Latin.This is easy to remember as After Death, as in Christ.

For more information on dates like B.C. and A.D.,
take a look at this page!