Hunting and gathering societies; transegalitarian societies

in press Brian Hayden
"Archaeological pitfalls of storage." Current Anthropology.

in press Brian Hayden
"Did secret societies create inequalities in the Upper Paleolithic?" In Luc Moreau (ed.). Inequality before farming. MacDonald Institute Monographs: Conversations: Cambridge.

2020 Villeneuve, S. and Brian Hayden
"Inequality in the Epipaleolithic of the Levant." Prehistoric Archaeology: Journal of Prehistoric Studies. 1:26-35.

2019 Brian Hayden
"Use of ceramic technologies by circumpolar hunter-gatherers." In Jordon, Peter and Kevin Gibbs (eds.). Ceramics in circumpolar prehistory. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. pp. 216-226.

2018 Brian Hayden
"Was Le Placard used by secret societies?" In Christophe Delage (ed.). The Grotte du Placard at 150. Archeopress: Oxford. pp. 186-197.

2017 Brian Hayden, L. Nixon-Darcus, and L. Ansell
"Our 'daily bread'? The origina of grinding grains and breadmaking." In Louise Steel and K. Zinn (eds.). Exploring the Materiality of Food 'Stuffs'. Routledge: London. pp. 57-78.

2017 Brian Hayden
"Bedrock features: An overview." Quaternary International. 439:108-111.

2015 Brian Hayden
"Insights into early lithic technologies from ethnography." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 370:20140356.

2013 Brian Hayden
Naissance de l'inégalité. CNRS Editions: Paris.

2012 Brian Hayden, Neil Canuel, and Jennifer Shanse
“What was brewing in the Natufian? An archaeological assessment of brewing technology in the Epipaleolithic.” Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory. DOI 10.1007/s10816-011-9127-y Posted 31 January 2012.

2012 Hayden, Brian
“Neandertal social structure?” Oxford Journal of Archaeology 31:1–26.

2011 Hayden, Brian
“Big man, big heart? The political role of aggrandizers in egalitarian and transegalitarian societies.” In D. Forsyth and C. Hoyt (Eds.) For the Greater Good of All: Perspectives on Individualism, Society, and Leadership. Palgrave Macmillan: New York. pp. 101–118.

2011 Hayden, Brian
“Feasting and social dynamics in the Epipaleolithic of the Fertile Crescent.” In G. Aranda, S. Monton-Subias, and M. Sanchez (Eds.). Oxbow Books: Oxford. pp. 30–63.

2011 Hayden, Brian
“Peut-on parler d’une structure sociale n�andertalienne?” Dossiers d’Arch�ologie 345:22–5.

2010 Hayden, Brian
“El surgimiento de cazadores-recolectores complejos. Una visi�n desde el Northwest Plateau.” In A. Vila and J. Est�vez (Eds.), La Excepci�n y la Norma. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient�ficas, Treballs d’Ethnoarqueologia 8:87–110, 219–21.

2010 Hayden, Brian and Suzanne Villeneuve
“Astronomy in the Upper Paleolithic?” Cambridge Archaeological Journal 21:331–55.

2009 Hayden, Brian
“Forward.” In Peter Jordan and M. Zvelebil (Eds.) Ceramics Before Farming. Left Coast Press: Walnut Creek, Calif. pp. 19–26.

2009 Hayden, Brian
“Sex, Symmetry, and Silliness in the Bifacial World.” Antiquity 83:1163–1175.

2007 Hayden, Brian
“Une soci�t� hi�rarchique ou �galitaire?” In S. de Beaume (ed.) Chasseurs-Cueilleurs: Comment vivaient nos anc�tre du pal�olitique sup�rieur CNRS �ditions: Paris pp 197–208.

2004 Hayden, Brian
“Sociopolitical Organization in the Natufian: A View from the Northwest.” In Christophe Delage (Ed.) The Last Hunter-Gatherer Societies in the Near East. BAR International Series: Oxford. Pp. 263–308.

2004 Hayden, B., and Ron Adams
“Ritual Structures in Transegalitarian Communities.” In William Prentiss and Ian Kuijt (Eds.) Complex Hunter-Gatherers: Evolution and Organization of Prehistoric Communities on the Plateau of Northwestern North America. University of Utah Press: Salt Lake City. Pp. 84–102.

2004 Hayden, B., and Sara Mossop Cousins
“The social dimensions of roasting pits in a winter village site.” In William Prentiss and Ian Kuijt (Eds.) Complex Hunter-Gatherers: Evolution and Organization of Prehistoric Communities on the Plateau of Northwestern North America. University of Utah Press: Salt Lake City. Pp. 140–154.

2004 (Ed.)
The ancient past of Keatley Creek. Volume III: Excavations. Archaeology Press: Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC.

2003 Hayden, Brian
“Hunting and feasting: Health and demographic consequences.” Before Farming 2002/3–4(3) www.waspjournals

2003 Sandgathe, Dennis, and Brian Hayden
“Did Neanderthals Eat Inner Bark?” Antiquity 77:709–718.
2002 Hayden, Brian
“Comment on P. Wiessner: ‘The vines of complexity.’” Current Anthropology 43: 256–7.

2002 Hayden, Brian
“L’�volution des premiers v�tements en cuir.” In F. Audoin-Rouzeau and S. Beyries (eds.), Le Travail du Cuir de la Pr�histoire � Nos Jours. Editions APDCA: Antibes. Pp. 193–216.

2001 Hayden, Brian
“The Dynamics of Wealth and Poverty in the Transegalitarian Societies of Southeast Asia.” Antiquity 75: 571–81.

The Pithouses of Keatley Creek. Harcourt, Brace: New York.

1997 Owens, D’Ann, and Brian Hayden
“Prehistoric rites of passage: A comparative study of transegalitarian hunter-gatherers.” Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 16: 121–161.

“Thresholds of power in emergent complex societies.” In Jeanne Arnold, (editor), Emergent complexity: The evolution of intermediate societies. Pp. 50–58 International Monographs in Prehistory: Ann Arbor, Michigan.

1996 Hayden, Brian, Edward Bakewell, and Rob Gargett
“The world’s longest-lived corporate group: Lithic analysis reveals prehistoric social organization near Lillooet, British Columbia.” American Antiquity 61: 341–356.

1996 Hayden, Brian, Gregory Reinhardt, Richard MacDonald, Dan Holmberg, and David Crellin
“Space per capita and the optimal size of housepits.” In, Gary Coupland and E. Banning (editors), People who lived in big houses: Archaeological perspectives on large domestic structures. Prehistory Press: Madison, Wisconsin. Pp. 151–164.

“Competition, labor, and complex hunter-gatherers.” In Ernest Burch, Jr. and Linda Ellanna (editors), Key issues in hunter-gatherer research. Berg Publications: Oxford. Pp. 223–239.

1993 (Hayden, B., and Jim Spafford)
“The Keatley Creek site and corporate group archaeology.” B.C. Studies 99:106–139.

“The cultural capacities of Neandertals: a review and re-evaluation.” Journal of Human Evolution 24:113–146.

A complex culture of the British Columbia Plateau: Traditional Stl’atl’imx resource use. B. Hayden (editor). University of British Columbia Press. Vancouver.

1991 (Hayden, B., and Rob Gargett)
“Site, structure, kinship, and sharing in Aboriginal Australia: Implications for archaeology.” In, Ellen Kroll and Douglas Price (editors), The interpretation of archaeological spatial patterning. Plenum Press: New York. Pp. 11–32.

“The right rub: hide working in high ranking households.” In Bo Graslund (editor), The interpretative possibilities of microwear studies. Aun 14. Pp. 89–102. Societas Archaeologica Upsaliensis: Uppsala.

1987 Hayden, Brian, Brian Chisholm, and Henry Schwarcz
“Fishing and foraging: marine resources in the Upper Paleolithic of France.” In O. Soffer (Ed.). The Pleistocene Old World. Plenum Publishers: NY. pp. 279–291.

1985 Hayden, Brian, Morley Eldridge, Anne Eldridge and Aubrey Cannon
“Complex hunter-Gatherers in interior British Columbia.” In T. Douglas Price and James Brown (editors), Prehistoric Hunter/gatherers. Academic Press: New York. Pp. 181–199.

1984 Spurling, Brian and Brian Hayden
“Ethnoarchaeology and intrasite spatial analysis: a case study from the Australian Western Desert.” In Intrasite spatial analysis in archaeology, edited by Harold Hietala. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. Pp. 224–241.

“Interaction parameters and the demise of PaleoIndian craftsmanship.” Plains Anthropologist 27:109–123.

“Research and development in the stone age: technological transitions among hunter/gatherers.” Current Anthropology 2: 519–548.

Paleolithic reflections: Lithic technology of the Western Desert Aborigines. Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies: Canberra.

“Stone tool functions in the Western Desert.” In R.V.S. Wright (ed.), Stone tools as cultural markers. Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies: Canberra. Pp. 178–188.

“Curation: old and new.” In: J.S. Raymond et al (eds.), Primitive art and technology. University of Calgary Archaeological Association. Calgary, pp. 47–59.
