- Professor of Economics
- Simon Fraser University
- PhD 1966, MSc 1963, Univ. of Illinois
- BSc 1962, Bradley University
- phone / voice:
- department fax line:
- office: 2659 West Mall
- Department
of Economics
- Simon
Fraser University
- Burnaby, BC, Canada V6A-1S6
- e-mail: boland@sfu.ca
Publication Vita
1. The Foundations of Economic Method, London: Geo.
Allen & Unwin, 1982 (
download a PDF copy)
2. Methodology for a New Microeconomics: The Critical
Foundations, Boston: Allen & Unwin, 1986/87 (
download a PDF copy)
3. The Methodology of Economic Model Building: Methodology
after Samuelson, London: Routledge, 1989/91 (
download a PDF copy)
4. The Principles of Economics: Some Lies my Teachers Told
Me, London: Routledge, 1992 (
download a fix for Figure 13.6 or download
a PDF copy of the entire book)
5. Critical Economic Methodology: A Personal Odyssey,
London: Routledge, 1997 (
download a PDF copy) (Mandarin version:
Beijing: Economic Science Press, 2000)
6. The Foundations of Economic Method: A Popperian Perspective,
London: Routledge, 2003 (expanded 2nd edition) now
available at http://www.ECONOMICSnetBASE.com ( download a correction
for page 84 of printed version) (Mandarin version: Chang Chun Publishing House, 2008)
7. Model Building in Economics: Its Purposes and Limitations, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014
8. Equilibrium Models in Economics: Purposes and Critical Limitations, Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2017
- Philosophy of economics versus methodology of economics, Sudia Metodologiczne, 2016, 17-26
- Reading and misreading Friedman's 1953 methodology essay, in Robert Cord and Danial Hammond (eds), Milton Friedman: Contributions to Economics and Public Policy, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016, 541-60
- Econometrics and equilibrium models, Review of Political Economy, forthcoming
- Anatomy of a journal: A reflection on the evolution of Contemporary Accounting Research 1984-2010, Accounting History, 2015, 1-26 [with Irene Gordon]
- Model building in economics, Filosofia de la Economia, 2013, 5-24
- Popper as Supporter of Austrian Economics: Equilibrium Process vs. Equilibrium Attainment, in A. Borghini and S. Gatteipp (eds) Karl Popper oggi: una riflessione multidisciplinare, Rome: Livorno: Salomone Belforte & C., 2011, 253-64
- Microeconomics and methodology, in Bougrine, Parker and Seccareccia (eds) Introducing Microecomic Analysis, Toronto: Emond Montgomery Publications, 2010, 9-17
- Maki on 'Friedman 1953' Economics and Philosophy, 2010, 376–82
( Final Draft, PDF copy)
- Cartwright on 'Economics' Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 2010 530–8
( Final Draft, PDF copy)
- Kuhn vs. Popper by way of Lakatos and the Cold War,
Journal of Economic Methodology, 2008, 191–6
( Final Draft, PDF copy)
- Equlibrium in Economics,
International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 2nd edition, 2007
- Neoclassical Economics,
International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 2nd edition, 2007
- Assumptions controversy,
The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics 2nd Edition, 2008
- Conventionalism,
The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics 2nd Edition, 2008
- Instrumentalism and Operationalism,
The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics 2nd Edition, 2008
- Stylized Facts,
The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics 2nd Edition, 2008
- Seven decades of economic methodology: a Popperian perspective,
Karl Popper: a Centenary Assessment: Science, I. Jarvie, K. Milford and D. Miller (Eds), 2006, 219–27
- On reviewing Machine Dreams: Zoomed-in vs. Zoomed-out,
Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 36, 2006, 480-95
( PDF copy
of final draft)
- Economics in time vs time in economcs: Building models so that time matters, History of Economic Ideas, 13, 2005, 121-32 ( PDF copy of final draft)
- Equilibrium: Attainment versus Process, Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines, forthcoming
- Conventionalism in Economics, Enciclopedia filosofica, forthcoming
- Methodological criticism vs. ideology and hypocrisy, Journal of Economic Methodology, 10, 2003, 521-6 (
PDF copy of final draft)
- Dealing with Popper in economic methodology, Philosophy
of the Social Sciences, 33, 2003, 477-98 (
PDF copy of final draft)
- Recognizing knowledge: Prescription vs. Explanation, Energeia: International Journal of Philosophy and
Methodology of Economics, 2, 2003, 221-28 (
PDF copy of final draft)
- Applying economic methodology: Recognizing knowledge in economic
models, Energeia: International Journal of Philosophy and
Methodology of Economics, 1, 2002, 22-31 (
PDF copy of final draft)
- Towards a useful methodology discipline, Journal of
Economic Methodology, 8, 2001, 3-10 (
PDF copy of final draft)
- On methodology of "the economics of ..." literature,
Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology,
18A, 2000, 129-35 (
PDF copy of final draft)
- Economic growth in Canada and the United States with special
emphasis on the post World War II experience, in M. Warner (ed),
Management in the Americas, International Encyclopedia of
Business and Management, 1999, London: Thomson, 130-7 [with
Clyde Reed]
- Situational analysis beyond neoclassical economics, Philosophy
of the Social Sciences, 28, 1998, 515-21 (
PDF copy of final draft)
- Knowledge in economics: game-theoretic vs market process,
Scotish Journal of Political Economy, 1998, 45, 604-13
( PDF copy
of final draft)
- Accounting-Economics interface: Where the market fails, International
Journal of Social Economics, 25, 1998, 1233-43 [with I. Gordon]
( PDF copy
of final draft)
- Modelling and forcasting, in International Encyclopedia
of Business and Management, London: Routledge, 1997
- Realism in economic model building, in S. Medema and W. Samuels
(eds) Foundations of Research in Economics: How Do Economists
Do Economics?, 1996, Aldershot: Edward Elgar, 18-29 ( PDF copy
of final draft)
- Style vs substance in economic methodology, in Robert S.
Cohen (eds) The Enterprise of Critical Rationalism, 1995,
Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 115-28 ( PDF copy of final
- Scientific thinking without scientific method: two views
of Popper, in Roger Backhouse (ed.) New Directions in Economic
Methodology, 1994, London: Routledge, 154-72 (
PDF copy of final draft)
- Conventionalism, in Wade Hands, John Davis and Uskali Mäki
(eds) Handbook of Economic Methodology
- Critical rationalism, in Wade Hands, John Davis and Uskali
Mäki (eds) Handbook of Economic Methodology
- Criticizing positive accounting theory, Contemporary Accounting
Research, 9, 1992 [with I. Gordon], 142-70
- Current views on economic positivism, in David Greenaway,
Michael Bleaney and Ian Stewart (eds.) Companion to Contemporary
Economic Thought, 1991, 88-104 (
PDF copy of final draft)
- Understanding the Popperian legacy in economics, Research
in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, 7, 1990-92,
273-84 ( PDF
copy of final draft)
- The methodology of Marshall's 'Principle of Continuity, Economie
Appliquée, vol 43, No.1, 1990, 145-59 (a
revised version is available as Chapter 3 of the above
1992 book)
- Psychologisme et valeurs dans les explications economiques,
Fundamenta Scientiae, 9, 1988/89, 203-11 (
PDF copy of original draft)
- On the relevance of neo-Walrasian economic theory, History
of Political Economy, Winter 1987, 659-66
- Individualist economics without psychology, in Peter Earl
(ed.) Psychological Economics: Development, Tensions, Prospects,
1987, 163-8 (
PDF copy of final draft)
- Comments on methodology and rhetoric of economics, Research
in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, 1987,
210-12 (part of report by B. Caldwell)
- Methodology, The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economic
Theory and Doctrine, 1987, 455-8
- Stylized facts, The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economic
Theory and Doctrine, 1987, 535-6
- Boland on Friedman's methodology: a summation, Journal
of Economic Issues, 16, 1987 [Reprinted in Milton Friedman:
Critical Assessments, Wood and Woods (ed.), 1990] ( PDF copy
of final draft)
- On the efficient use of mathematics in economics: some theory,
facts and results of an opinion survey, Kyklos, 39, 1986
[with H. Grubel], 419-42
- Methodology and the individual decision maker, in I. Kirzner
(ed.) Subjectivism, Intelligibility and Economic Understanding,
New York: New York University Press, 1986, 30-8 (a
revised version is available as Chapter 11 of the above
1992 book)
- Economic methodology: theory and practice, in Audet and Malouin
(eds) The Generation of Scientific Administrative Knowledge,
Quebec City: Laval University Press, 1986, 311-34 [Revised and
Reprinted in Methodus, vol 3, 1991, 6-17] (
PDF copy of final draft)
- Reflections on Blaug's Methodology of Economics: suggestions
for a revised edition, Eastern Economic Journal, 11, 1985,
450-4 ( PDF
copy of final draft)
- Comment on 'The Foundations of Econometrics', Econometric
Reviews, 4, 1985, 63-7
- Neoclassical economics, The Social Science Encyclop-dia,
Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1985, 55-6 [Reprinted in A Lexicon
of Economics, Phyllis Deane and Jessica Kuper (eds), Routledge,
1988, pp. 287-90]
- The foundations of Keynes' methodology: the General Theory,
in T. Lawson and M. Pesaran (eds.) Keynes' Economics: Methodological
Issues, Croom Helm, 1985, 181-94 (
PDF copy of final draft)
- Methodology: Reply ('Response to Critics'), American Economic
Review, 74, 1984, 795-7 [Reprinted in Wood and Woods (eds),
Milton Friedman: Critical Assessments, 1990]
- Classical vs neoclassical economic models, Philosophy
of the Social Sciences, 14, 1984 [with David Hammes], 107-13
- On the state of economic methodology, Research in the
History of Economic Thought and Methodology, 2, 1984, 173-7
copy of final draft)
- On the best strategy for doing philosophy of economics, The
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 1983, 387-392
( PDF copy
of final draft)
- Reply to Caldwell ('Appraisal vs criticism in economics'),
American Economic Review, 73, 1983, 828-30 [Reprinted
in B. Caldwell (ed.) Appraisal and Criticism in Economics:
A Book of Readings, Allen & Unwin, 1984, 256-8]
- An essay on the foundations of Friedman's methodology, American
Economic Review, 73, 1983 [with William Frazer], 129-44
- 'Difficulties with the Element of Time' and the 'Principles'
of economics or some lies my teachers told me, Eastern Economic
Journal, 3, 1982, 47-58 [Reprinted in M. Blaug (ed.) Pioneers
of Economics, Vol 29, 220-31] (a revised
version is available as Chapter 2 of the above 1992 book)
- On the futility of criticizing the neoclassical maximization
hypothesis, American Economic Review, 71, 1981, 1031-6
[Reprinted in B. Caldwell (ed.) Appraisal and Criticism in
Economics: A Book of Readings, Allen & Unwin, 1984, 246-51
and in L. Filippini e A. Salanti (eds), Razionalità, impresa
e informazione, Giappichelli, Torino, 1993] (
PDF copy of final draft)
- Satisficing in methodology: a reply to Rendigs Fels, Journal
of Economic Literature, 19, 1981, 84-6
- Friedman's methodology vs conventional empiricism: a reply
to Rotwein, Journal of Economic Literature, 18, 1980,
1555-7 [Reprinted in Wood and Woods (eds) Milton Friedman:
Critical Assessments, 1990]
- Knowledge and the role of institutions in economic theory,
Journal of Economic Issues, 8, 1979, 957-972 (
PDF copy of final draft) a revised
version is available as Chapter 8 of the above 1992 book)
- On the role of knowledge in economic theory, Australian
Economic Papers, 18, 1979 [with Geoffrey Newman], 71-80 (a revised version is available as part of Chapter
6 of the above 1992 book)
- A critique of Friedman's critics, Journal of Economic
Literature, 17, 1979, 503-522 [Reprinted in W.L. Marr and
B. Raj (eds) How Economists Explain: A Reader in Methodology,
University Press of America, 1983, 101-30; Reprinted in Hacienda
Publica Española, Institute de Estudios Fiscales;
Reprinted in B. Caldwell (ed.) Appraisal and Criticism in
Economics: A Book of Readings, Geo. Allen & Unwin, 1984,
205-24; Reprinted in Wood and Woods (eds) Milton Friedman:
Critical Assessments, 1990] (
PDF copy of final draft)
- Time in economics vs economics in time: the 'Hayek problem',
Canadian Journal of Economics, 11, 1978, 240-262 [Reprinted
in E. Seifert (ed.) Arnoldshainer Schriften zur
Interdisziplinären Ökonomie, Band 15,
Haag+Herchen, 1988, 102-30; Reprinted in Wood and Woods (eds)
F.A. von Hayek: Critical Assessments, 1991] (a
revised version is Chapter 15 of the 1997 book)
- Giffen goods, market prices and testability, Australian
Economic Papers, 16, 1977, 72-85 (a
revised version is available as Chapter 14 of the above
1992 book)
- Model specifications and stochasticism in economic methodology,
So. African Journal of Economics, 45, 1977, 182-9 (an expanded version is available as Chapter
8 of the above 1989 book)
- Testability, time and equilibrium stability, Atlantic
Economic Journal, 5, 1977, 39-47
- Testability in economic science, So. African Journal of
Economics, 45, 1977, 93-105 (a revised
version is available as Chapter 7 of the above 1989 book)
- Uninformative economic models, Atlantic Economic Journal,
3, 1975, 27-32 (a revised version is available
as Chapter 6 of the above 1989 book)
- THE law of demand, W.A.R.P. and price-consumptions curves,
Australian Economic Papers, 14, 1975, 104-119 (a
revised version is available as Chapter 13 of the above
1992 book)
- Lexicographic orderings, multiple criteria, and 'Ad Hocery',
Australian Economic Papers, 13, 1974, 152-7 (a
revised version is available as Chapter 12 of the above
1992 book)
- An institutional theory of economic technology and change,
Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 1, 1971, 253-8 (a revised version is available as Chapter 7
of the above 1992 book)
- Methodology as an exercise in economic analysis, Philosophy
of Science, 38, 1971, 105-117 (a revised
version is available as Chapter 5 of the above 1989 book)
- Conventionalism and economic theory, Philosophy of Science,
37, 1970, 239-248 (a revised version is
available as Chapter 4 of the above 1989 book)
- Axiomatic analysis and economic understanding, Australian
Economic Papers, 9, 1970 , 62-75 (a
majorly revised version is available as Chapter 4 of the above
1992 book)
- Economic understanding and understanding economics, So.
African Journal of Economics, 37, 1969, 144-160
(a revised version is available as Chapter
1 of the above 1989 book)
- The identification problem and the validity of economic models,
So. African Journal of Economics, 36, 1968, 236-240 (a version is available as part of Chapter 3
of the above 1989 book --- actually, Chapters 2 and 3
includes my PhD thesis)
Who's Who in Economics: A Biographical Dictionary of Major Economists 1700-1999 (2nd and 3rd Editions)
1992-93 Simon Fraser University's Excellence in Teaching Award
2001 Elected to be a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada